Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Goodbye blogger?

Due to right hand side button problems, I am relocating my thoughts and words onto another site. I was set on moving, convinced that it was just about right. And then, I visited this page and all of a sudden, I felt like I couldn't just leave it. I could feel the attachment that wasn't willing to part. Is this so overly dramatic for a web page?

But anyway, if blogger manages to fix itself up (because apparently, it's not just my blog that's messed up), then I'll most probably stay, but if not, then you can find me on


That is a currently active site which I will be writing in in just a few minutes.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Wonders of Internet

In the past few days, I've been chatting with friends from England, America and Norway, and also with friends in the same city as me. I've only just recently gotten Yahoo Messenger and MSN, eventhough I've had email addresses at both for years now. I've just never had constant access to a computer before. It's so great, it's so easy to catch up with so many people that I haven't seen or talked to in too long.

Anyway, that's it! I hope my blog's fixed by now... I'll be finding out in a minute or so...

Monday, August 29, 2005


My buttons aren't working, over there on the right side... My links and all that, it's all blank... It's really weird. I have no idea how to fix it. Anyway, whatever... :)

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Praise The Weekend

The situation has now reversed itself. I now have things to write about, but now no longer have any time to log on here to write, as you may have noticed. But now, it's a Sunday, and I have time on my hands before I go off to work again tomorrow. Do I even have work tomorrow? Is it a holiday? Who knows...

Anyway, work's been good. I'm slowly getting more comfortable with the people, and I really should because as of now, I'm actually spending more time with them than I am with my own family. But everyone's been really nice, so it's really not much of a problem, it's just my shyness and introvertion factor.

And! I found an Oasis cd the other day. I found "Standing on the Shoulder of Giants" at one of the malls that I walk through every day to get to the train to get home. It felt great, I'm now only three cds short of completing the classics, proud to say. And according to the Tower Records guy, they're on their way, there's just no definite date. So I just have to keep checking back constantly.

And also, my LPU package finally got here. I thought that it had exceeded its eight week limit, but it turns out, that it actually got here on the seventeeth, and the mail man was just taking his sweet time about getting me the package slip. So I ended up getting it on the twenty fourth. But it's cool, at least I got it, and it erases all my theories, like it was stolen, or lost, or whatever...

What can I say about this year's package. I found that I wasn't as excited about it as I had been with the first three. I think that my love for the band has somewhat dissipated, unfortunately. I mean, I still love them, but just not as much as I used to. Can't exactly say why either. And it doesn't help that it could take years before their new music comes out. Anyway...

Well, I'm doing good, and everything's well, I'm glad to report. And that should be it for now.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Working Girl

I got a job. And it's been really good so far. "I am employed", is an astonishing thought. I work now from 9 AM to 6 PM. I wake up at 7, leave before 8 because it's a forty five minute commute from home to the office. I think that my body is still getting used to that schedule, because before then, I'd be waking up at 9 at the earliest. But I think that I'm doing okay, body clock-wise. I'm on my second week, currently.

I'm actually really glad that I've been given this opportunity. I've been wanting a job now for a while and I don't think that this could've come at a better time. I believe that my experiences of the past four years were preparing me for this next step in life. I know, you're probably thinking, "it's just a job, what is she going on about?", but for me, this is truly important.

My days are now booked, my week is scheduled for me, so to speak. I spend the day at the office, come home at night, and I do that for five days. In other words, I'm busy, all week. That's something that I haven't been in way too long. I used to have all the time in the world to do absolutely nothing, and I distinctly remember telling myself at one point that it would be okay with me, if I didn't have to do this (doing nothing, bumming) for the rest of my life. And now that is where I'm at.

I plan on taking this very seriously, because it's a huge opportunity that I'm very thankful for, and I'm not about to take it for granted. I find that I'm happier than usual, that I'm actually doing something, that I'm constantly learning, expanding my mind, and expanding my world. In short, I find that things are going good. And I'm very optimistic about the future.

I do miss my family, most especially Dylan (I hope that I can say that without any of my family members feeling any jealousy :) ), while I'm away, but I understand that it's part of it. But anyway, that's what the weekend's for! And I can actually look forward to Fridays again, again, something I haven't done in too long - looking forward to the weekend. Everyday was like a weekend. Now it's not, and I have priorities and responsibilities, which I've always had, but now it's gone up a notch.

Anyway, I'm freezing, and I'm gonna head home now (I'm at netopia). Update soon.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Enter, August

July has come and gone, and whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, I'm not at liberty to say. Or, I can just be honest and say, I have absolutely no idea what it is that I'm trying to say... I'm just trying to sound smart... Is it working?

Anyway, I've been on an Oasis search for months now. I would be referring to the band from Manchester, and not the things that you would find in the desert. Out of nowhere, I just got attached to their music. I've always liked Oasis but for some reason or another, I've never managed to buy myself a copy of any of their albums. And so, a few months ago, when my love for Oasis was awoken, I told myself that I would get their albums. All six of them (seven now that the new one came out). And anyway, they were already selling for half price. But then here's the thing, all of a sudden, now that I want them, they're nowhere to be found.

I have gone into every music store that I've seen, going straight to the O section, trying to find the albums, but they've just up and disappeared. I managed to find "The Master Plan", and I got "Heathen Chemistry", but everything else is just waiting to be found. "Don't Believe The Truth" came out two months ago, but I haven't been able to get it because it's the price of two CDs, which I can't afford right now. Two CDs, when I can barely afford one. Apparently, it's limited edition, and it comes with a DVD. But what if I don't want the DVD? What if I just want the CD and it's eleven songs? In that case, I'd be a hopeful dreamer.

Just two years ago, I saw them everywhere, and now they're gone. They couldn't've all been bought, they have to be somewhere. Anyway, I've already placed an order at Tower, and I'm hoping they'll get it for me. I have yet to be contacted. And I keep on going to their website, constantly checking their tour dates to see if they'll be coming over here for a show, maybe to make up for the one that they were supposed to have here two years ago, which I would've been at had it not been cancelled due to damn terrorist threats...

Ah, the life of a fanatic.

I haven't been watching movies in the theater for a while now because nothing really interested me, and then all of a sudden, I find myself seeing three movies in this past week alone. Not that that's a lot, but for me, it was surprising. I saw "The Fantastic Four", which I wouldn't have seen, but my friend wanted to see it for his own reasons (Jessica Alba...). And I think that it was one of the better marvel movies. And of course, Stan Lee and his cameos. Then I saw "Wedding Crashers", which I wouldn't have seen either, but I was with friends, and it was actually funny, surprisingly. And then just yesterday I saw "Stealth", which I only wanted to see because I knew that Incubus was on the soundtrack, and I wanted to hear how the music was incorporated into the movie, which was done fine. The movie itself was alright. As I've said before, still waiting for a really good flick from Hollywood.

Anyhow, that's it for now... be back with more of my weirdness soon.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

The Good Kind Of Reminiscing

The other day, Thea and I met up with some old friends of ours. Old meaning that we've known them for a really long time, not that they're old... To be honest, I was a little bit reluctant about seeing them, not that I don't like them, quite the opposite actually, they're so great, but since I hadn't seen them in three years, and being as reclusive as I have been, I wasn't sure how it would go conversation wise. But of course I was going to see them because how often are they here from Canada or Baguio or Norway.

It actually proved not to be much of a problem as I was fearing it might be, because everything was just natural. It was great, and I had so much fun with them. And being with them then made me realise just how much I've really missed them over the years. I mean, when people that you love are gone for a long period of time, you know that you miss them, definitely, but after a while, you tend to forget exactly why. Am I right? Forgive me if I only make sense to myself.

So I realised, or remembered why it was exactly that I had been missing them. They are so much fun, and incredibly hilarious. Nothing is forced when it comes to them, they're just them no matter what that is. And there's just something about seeing friends from a long time ago, in my case, all the way back to my childhood, that's just different.

We have conversation topics that none of the people I've met in the last six years or people that I'll meet in the coming years of my life have. Baguio days and growing up together. I mean, who else knows about the handicrafts club and The Moffatts? Well, I guess now you do.

We had about five hours together, and it was just fun. We sat at Starbucks for three of that and just talked and laughed. It was nice to know that even after all the time that we've spent apart, we can still get on like we did, almost as if there hasn't been any time apart at all. At least that's how I felt.

So thanks a lot Kat, Regi and Ria, hopefully I'll see you guys again soon.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Whoa Boy...

I'm sure you've all had one of those days where everything just seems to be going in the opposite direction that you'd like for it to go. Where everything just seems to be going wrong and the world is just out to get you. Today is a day exactly like that.

I'm not one to bitch about the mishaps of my life, I've always tried to be as positive as I could possibly be. Same goes for today. Everything's getting on my nerves, and I'm trying really hard to just push it away, ignore it, think of something better...

I've had many days like this my entire life I'm sure, where it's just been so hard, but no matter what, I've always gotten through it. Today will be no different. Whether the bad luck (or whatever it may be) stops here, or goes on the whole day more, I will not let it get to me...

Actually, if I really look at it, it's quite amusing. Everything going wrong. Really look at it, and it's funny, life is testing you and your breaking point. Don't let it get the better of you, and you'll be fine.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Random Thoughts

The days have been passing pretty quick. Thea's been out of the hospital for a while now. I don't even know what day it is right now... It's Wednesday. She got out on Sunday. Things seem to be going well, healing-wise. And things are moving.

There's just a whole lot going through my mind these days. I've been sick and it hasn't been fun. The medicine doesn't work, I've had a headache the size of Russia for three days straight now, and advil doesn't do jack.

Other than that, just pretty random things, like how the world is so evil. But then I thought about that for a little bit more, and I realised that this world is actually a very beautiful place, it's the people living in it that's giving it such a bad name. I'm not saying everybody, but you know who I'm talking about. The kind of people who don't care what kind of pain they inflict on other human beings. The kind of people who only care about themselves and no one else.

I've been thinking about the people in my life, the people that I know who meant more to me in the past than they do now, for whatever reasons.

I think it's just all been about life in general. I've been trying to write this thing (not THIS thing), about what I've been through in the last four years of my life, and it's coming out slowly, a work in progress, I might say. Eventually it'll be done, but exactly when, I couldn't tell you.

I've been trying to read the unabridged version of "Don Quixote". I started it about... maybe over a year ago, and then I stopped because it wasn't captivating enough for me at the time. So I've picked it up again, last month, and I've stopped again. I wonder if I'll ever finish it. I'm trying to, but I'll let you know when it's actually become a fact that I've read through the hundreds of pages from beginning to end. I'm optimistic.

So that's it. Enough blah blah for now.

Friday, June 10, 2005


Just when you think that life has thrown everything that it possibly can your way, and you've overcome your hardest obstacles and think that maybe from here on out, everything will be okay, it just sneaks up on you, tricky little life, and shoots you. Or, in my case, shoots my sister... right up the leg.

I wish I were kidding, but this is no joke. On Wednesday morning, my sister and some of her friends were hanging out at Venezia, or V Bar over at Makati. From what I know, a couple of fights had already broken out between all groups of people there. Things were getting out of hand, and just as they were about to leave, some guy just starts shooting his gun at everybody. Thea was hit, and so was her friend Mary, and a couple of other people. And one of their friends died.

Thea was shot in the upper right thigh. The bullet had gone through her bag and the contents of it, as well as through her cell phone, which most probably saved her life. She was immediately brought to the hospital, and they were going to operate on it to take the bullet out, but it had entered at an angle and so if they attempt to remove it, there's a chance that she could lose all feeling in her leg because the bullet is in a nerve area. So the bullet stays in, and hopefully her body will not reject it. Otherwise, they will have to operate.

Mary's hit was much worse. The bullet entered her left shin, it hit the bone which caused it to shatter, and then the bullet made it's exit. She has to undergo major surgery, and they're gonna put pins and metal in her leg to reconstruct it, but she's not gonna be able to walk for the next six to nine months.

It's crazy how one person's actions can affect so many others' lives. Nevermind if it's in a positive way, but this is not positive at all. So we're hoping for the best. We hope that the shooter gets caught and that he gets what he deserves. We're praying for a good recovery for both Thea and Mary and the other victims as well.

That's all that I can say for now.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Stuck In A Drought

I may possibly have writer's block. I'm assuming so because I haven't been able to write anything meaningful or interesting or clever in far too long.

My blog is a bore-zone, hardly ever updated, and when it is, let's be honest, I might as well have not written anything at all.

But nothing's coming out. I've tried to draw inspiration from anywhere possible, but it's still giving me nothing.

Is it because I'm not depressed or sad? Is that why the words of interest won't flow? Because I am content at this very moment, I am being punished, so to speak, by not having anything to say. Is that it?

I want to write. But I can't.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

It's Hot As Hell

Well, I haven't written in too long, sorry about that, been busy. I've been writing a lot in my private journal, but those pages don't belong here.

Since the last time I wrote, a couple of important happenings occured. Dylan started walking, he's growing up so fast. My cousin gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Julianne Elizah. Dylan had his first birthday party, and then turned one a few days after. Then Elizah was baptized. It's all about the babies, I guess.

Summer is killing everyone here. It's officially the hottest summer that I have ever experienced in my eighteen years of existence. It's to the point that it's actually unbearable. I know that everyone is hoping that it'll be over soon, and that the rainy season will make it's entrance.

Other than that, I have nothing else of interest to inform you about. So that's it, I'm out.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Desperately Hooked

The other day, my friend Monica introduced Isa and I to a show called "Desperate Housewives", I'm sure many of you have heard of it. I had no idea what it was about, just that it was an award winning show. So we watched the first episode, then the second, then the third... It's one of those shows that's so bitin, I don't know how to say that in English... It leaves you hanging at the very end, so that you're just completely itching to see the next episode. And that's the problem with having access to all the episodes on a disc, because it's right there, and you can see it, and it just always ends just hanging like that, so then you're just stuck in front of the television changing disc after disc just to see what's going to happen next.

Monica lent me what she had so that I could finish it up at home, so last night, Thea gets home from Quezon City with Dylan, and then it all began. That is of course, right after Grounded For Life. I got my mom and my sister to park in front of the TV, because I had a feeling that they'd like it too. So in goes the first disc, and it all starts. My mom said that she'd only see the first episode because she was sleepy and that she was gonna go and put Dylan to bed. Wouldn't you know it, she was there all the way up until the third episode began. She would've stayed, but the little one needed her.

So it's down to me and Thea. Oh, and my younger brother decided to join us as well. So we finish the third, watch the fourth, and decide to see the fifth episode. It was already past midnight at that time, but there was no way we were about to stop watching, we couldn't. So at the end of the fifth episode, we go, "One more!". At the end of the sixth, "One More." At the end of the seventh episode, as usual, it left us hanging there. But, Oh God, it was already three in the morning, and Thea had Dylan duty bright and early, so it was a hard decision, but we decided that that was it for the night.

We are hooked, It's so crazy. Later on tonight, the continuation begins! Oh, and if you're reading this and are now thinking that it must be so good, and so you decide to go and see it and end up not thinking it's that good, what the hell am I talking about, then I'm sorry, I apologise. This is just my opinion, I think that Desperate Housewives is pretty damn good, otherwise I wouldn't stay up until the wee hours of the morning just watching to see what happens next. So if you want to, go and check it out, and you're definitely free to form your own opinion about it.

Okay cool, I'm off...

Monday, April 11, 2005

Blank Thoughts

I wanted to write an entry today, but I just can't think right now, my brain just doesn't seem to want to function right at this moment, regretably. So I cannot update you with the happenings in my life at this point in time, but when I get my thoughts together, whenever that may be, then you will be able to find it posted up here in the near future... hopefully. You're just gonna have to check back. Cool? Come on back...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


My surprise birthday party - March 12 - Prince of Jaipur at The Fort

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Me blowing out all two candles off the two giant cakes

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Lucille, Monica, Me, Dani and Isa (Aiko and Vanessa, we missed you!)

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Part of the surprise posse

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Thea and Me - best sister in the world =)

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Me and the girls (Love you guys!)

My actual birthday - March 15 - Italiannis at Greenbelt

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Isa and Aiko

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Beautiful ladies

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Aiks and Aics =)

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Jae and Aimee

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All of us =)

More to come when I can. I just forgot the CD. This took long enough anyways, enjoy! ;)

Monday, March 28, 2005


First off, I should just mention that this entry is LONG overdue. I just haven't had the chance or the time to go online and write, until now, obviously. I was writing this other entry but I wasn't able to finish it due to lack of time, and now I'm not really in the mood to finish it, so I'll just tell it here, but I'll be scrapping the novel, and I'll just be giving you the essentials, so to speak.

I'm gonna need to take you back to a few weeks ago, to the twelfth of March. My sister Thea and I had that day planned out as Aica and Thea's day of fun, just the two of us, spending time together, shopping, talking, sisterly girly things. We actually got around to all over the city almost. Rockwell, Glorietta, Landmark, Greenbelt and the Fort.

We got our nails done at Greenbelt, manicure, pedicure, the works. I knew that I would be getting my nails done, and I was expecting it to turn out real pretty but I didn't imagine it to look anything like it did when it was done. This cool Chinese chick actually hand painted little white flowers on every single nail, it was truly a work of art. I did actually try taking pictures, but since it was so small, the camera couldn't capture it, so it's down to me to try and describe it as best as I can, which I don't think I'm doing very well, but just know that it was really amazing, and unlike any manicure or pedicure that I have ever gotten. It's so nice, that I can't even bring myself to remove it even though my nail's already grown a considerable amount, and so it just looks somewhat strange now, but still, I refuse to erase it.

So after that, we were gonna have dinner, and my sister suggested this Italian place at The Fort, called Pasto. And i thought it was a bit far and out of the way, but she wanted to take me, so I just went along. Mars came to pick us up and we went. Thea actually excused herself from dinner quite early to go and "do something", she said, and so she left me with Mars and went to go do whatever she had to do. My God, what was Mars and I supposed to talk about the whole time that she was gone?! But it wasn't so bad, we found a couple of things to chat about.

We went to Go Nuts to wait for Thea to come back from her meeting and it was taking a really long time, and as time passed by, our conversation topics grew less and less with every passing second. And then, I see someone, a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in over a year. We kinda lost touch, and it was so crazy to see him, so I went to talk to him for a little bit.

While we were talking (and we a bit to talk about), I see yet another friend of mine that I hadn't seen in a while. So then she comes up to me and says "hi!", she introduces me to her boyfriend (they're so cute), and by that time, I had already left Mars for a bit, and I didn't want to be rude, so I was gonna go back to him, and then Sherry asked me where I was gonna go to. I told her that I was just waiting for Thea and then we were gonna head over to Jaipur for a little bit because supposedly Norah Jones was gonna be there after her concert that night. And coincidentally, Sherry says that she and Totius (I know that I completely misspelled that!) were on their way there as well, so we'd just go together, and exactly at that moment, I get a text, and it's Thea telling Mars and I to just go and meet her there instead because her meeting was taking too long already.

I asked Mark if he wanted to come over with us to just hang out or whatever, and he said that he'd just stay behind. So I said bye to him, and we made our way to Jaipur. And I was actually really glad that Sherry was there because at least I'd have somebody to talk to as opposed to just being there with Thea's friends and just being quiet the entire time, you know? So we get there, and Thea comes down the stairs and says for us to just come on upstairs, so we go, and she takes us out to the balcony.

So I step out not expecting anything at all, but then all of a sudden, I see this giant group of people of familiar faces, and they all yell out "SURPRISE!!!", and I don't really have any words to describe it. I was just completely shocked, definitely surprised and apparently so overwhelmed and touched that I just started to cry. Thea hadn't been at a meeting that entire time, but was in fact setting up my surprise eighteenth birthday party instead. At the end of the night, I learned that she had actually been planning it since November last year, and she was busting her ass, stressing out just trying to make it as perfect as possible.

Everyone was there, people who I hadn't seen in so long, and didn't expect to see any time soon, just, everybody, it was crazy. And of course my best friends were there too, and I was just so completely taken by surprise (the whole point, I think..), and it was really nice. Oh, and wouldn't you know it, Mark knew all about it and showed up right after the surprise. I had never had a surprise party before, and so this was just really great.

Thea had actually tried to book my favorite local band, or to be more exact, the ONLY local band that I like, Bamboo. That would've made it even crazier than it already was, but the cheapest that she could get them for was eighty thousand pesos for seven songs, which is insane, but the fact that she tried really was enough for me. So it was all hip hop all night, but I was okay with that, because everything else made up for it. It was great. I took pictures, which I will try to post up as soon as I can.

I knew that Thea was up to something, being sneaky, always taking my phone, asking weird questions about my friends. I was a bit suspicious, but I didn't know when it would be, so it definitely was a surprise, a very good one at that. It was great.

I had two giant cakes from Monica's parents, and let me tell you, that after having all that, I don't really want to have any more cake... ever =) That was a LOT of cake, it was crazy, but it was damn good.

My actual birthday wasn't until the fifteenth, and on that night, I just went out with my girlfriends for dinner at this Italian restaurant called Italiannis in Makati. Being with the girls was really great, we had fun, but the service sucked so bad! It was horrible, I don't even want to recall it. I was actually going to watch a movie with Thea after, but it took the place so damn long to get our bill straight that we missed the screening, so I just ended up going home. Damn you Italiannis. Again, pictures to come.

So all in all, my eighteenth birthday was really good. It was unlike any birthday I've had before, so it kicked all my other birthday's asses pretty much, but I'm not looking to top it any time soon=). I'm now officially legal, woohoo!

The consequence of writing this weeks after it actually happened is that it's not exactly fresh in my mind anymore, and so I'm sure that I didn't get every single thing down, but I got it done, maybe not in the best way that it could've been done, but it's done, and from now on, I promise that I won't delay entries any longer and when I have something to write about, I'll get to it as quickly as I can. Expect another entry soon.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Title, anyone?

So I'm sitting in front of the computer, ready to write, but what about? It's just not one of those moments when I've got something in particular to say... so not cool. Well, for one thing, I'm really bored with my blog skin... This green is just boring for me, and I can't figure out what to do with it.

And that's about as far as I can go for now... How badly does that suck? Not to worry, I'll come back with something... more interesting, or whatever... blah...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I'm Still Here!

For the past couple of weeks, going on the internet hasn't exactly been a priority, so basically, I've been missing for quite a bit. So I'm logging on for the first time in a while to update this thing, if I've even got anything to say.

Well, one of the cons of disappearing for a while is that all the online stuff just tends to pile up. E-mails, messages, things to update and to check and all the things that come with the territory. But I'm almost through with all of that, and now I'm concentrating on writing.

I got this email to join this free online address book thing, it's called Ringo, so I signed up to check it out, and right when it was confirmed, I realised I didn't want to be a part of it (much like that SMS thing), so I deleted my account, and it wasn't even active for more than ten minutes.

Then I got another invite to join this thing called hi-5, which is another friendster, myspace thing. It's crazy how there are so many of those already. The weird thing is, the people that join already have an account on friendster or myspace, and so it ends up that you're in a new community type place, but it's the exact same people. Well anyways, as to accepting the invite (I already have friendster AND myspace), I think that I'll have to think about it, I seem to have a lot going on online already as it is.

So the past couple of weeks have been somewhat uneventful to be quite honest. Nothing more than working on the jewelry and staying at home doing things that need to be done, as well as taking care of Dylan (which is actually pretty eventful). So that's what's been occupying my life of late. And I'm still good.

And how was your Valentine's Day? Personally, I think that the whole thing is crazy, yes I'm one of those anti-Vday people, not because I'm single, but because I just see no sense in it. It really is just some crazy excuse for certain companies to make more money. I can assure you that even if I did have a boyfriend, I would still think it crazy.

So, yea, nothing going on. The next update will come when I feel like it, I guess. But for now, this is all I've got for you, whoever you may be. Thanks for reading.

Friday, January 28, 2005

My Week

I haven't been online in a while, I think. Before, I used to want to be online every single day, now, it doesn't really matter too much, whether I'm on once a week, or once a month, or whatever. I guess I'm just pretty busy doing other things to want to be interested in going online. As long as I'm doing something, being occupied, I don't seem to long for it.

The past couple of days have been pretty laid back, I've just been wanting to stay home (as always), to get things done. We went to stock up on more materials the other day, and we spent a bunch in doing so, and it wasn't even enough, so we had to go back the next day. I went over my budget, knowingly, and I'm just telling myself that I'll make up for it, and get my money back, and I'm convinced I will.

So that's been my life this past week. I've also been spending a lot of time with Dylan. What can I say, he loves me. =) I totally love him back too. It's so nice to be with him. True, he hardly ever keeps still, little baby wanting to explore the world, so excited about everything, but I don't even mind. He's ten hands full, that's eight more than I've got, he's high maintainance, that kid. Every single thing he does makes me wanna say, "Awwwww", cuz he's just too adorable for words.

Yea, obviously I love him. So that's it. I don't really have much more to say, so I guess I'm gonna leave it at that. Until whenever.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

I'm Ecstatic

Finally, after looking for it for months and months, and after being told "It's out of stock", countless times, I now own a copy of Jack Johnson's album. WoOhOo!!! I found it in the most unlikely place too, so that's just more than awesome for me. The search is now over.

It was Isa's eighteenth birthday yesterday, and we had dinner with a bunch of friends, who by the way, I hadn't seen in SO long, so it was great. I had fun. We ate at SUGI, a Japanese restaurant in Greenbelt, and as usual, I had tempura, and Dani told me to try the sashimi or whatever, raw fish thing. I hardly like fish when it's cooked, so to expect to like it raw was practically not even possible. And I was right, yuck... yuck.

So we just hung out, and we talked, and just caught up on stuff. Actually, before dinner, we went to Isa's house for a little bit, and we watched the first episode of "Tru Calling". Honestly, I didn't like it, I thought it was kinda dumb... but oh well. At least there won't be any TV time added to my life.

Now I'm in Laguna. My mom and younger brother came here yesterday, and I came today with my older brother. I'm gonna be looking for a bunch of stuff around the mall, there are all these crazy ideas in my head, so I'm gonna be busy busy, but a fun sort of busy.

Also, all the work that Thea and I had put into the jewelry has now paid off. She had a meeting with the buyers the other day, and they loved everything we made, which was absolutely great news. They loved it so much, that they bought the entire stock! Which was even greater news. So we got paid for our labors and our ideas. It's officially the most money I've ever made in my entire life, and I feel great. I'm now looking forward to working some more.

This year has started off so great, I couldn't be happier.

Monday, January 17, 2005


Honestly, I don't have anything to write about, probably nothing of interest anyway, but I just thought I should write something. If you're a regular page visiter (ha!), maybe you'd like something new to read. But really, I have nothing to say, so how useless is this entry gonna be?

Hmmm... okay, I'm gonna go then. =)

Thursday, January 13, 2005


I saw Ocean's Twelve the other day and I really liked it. It was a great movie, really entertaining, and the humor was awesome. That's probably the best sequel I've ever seen, and sequels tend to suck.

I've still been busy working but it's still fun. It's actually not as easy or as simple as my sister and I would like it to be. At first, the initial idea that was in our heads was that we'd buy a whole load of materials, make a whole load of stuff, sell them and make money. Yea, that's what happens but then there's more to it. We have to list all the prices, do the costing which means we have to calculate how much each piece costs, and then calculate the whole thing that we made, and then list it down, write it up for the records, and then make stock, among other things. Not that simple, yet still fun, and it most definitely is work. I'm still excited about it, and I'm looking forward to earning my money.

Yesterday, we went around to this other part of the city to look for more materials stores (that'd be me, Thea and our dad). It's not exactly a pleasant place, and it had just rained so it was muddy. We did find one store, but then it only sold stuff in bulk, so it was much more than what we needed, so all in all, our search was pretty unsuccessful. But at least now we know that there's nothing there and we need not worry about whether there could be other places to get supplies. I'm sure that there's more than just the one where we go to, but apparently, it doesn't want to be found.

Part of the things that I'd like to change and/or do this year is to get organised. Particulary speaking about my things that tend to be just all over the place. So I wanna go and look for little shelves and drawers of the sort to keep my stuff as organised as possible. Hopefully I'll find some and it won't be too expensive.

Also, yesterday, or the other day (I'm not sure anymore) I cleaned my guitar which was gathering a whole lot of dust. I haven't touched it in months, sadly. So I fixed it up and tuned it, or at least attempted to tune it which I'm not and never have been any good at.

The guitar is a beautiful instrument which can make beautiful music if you know what to do with it, which is why I took lessons so that I could know what to do with it. I guess you could say that I was just exploring, and I think that I've come to the conclusion that the guitar is not for me. I definitely love listening to music and just music in general, but I don't think that making music is part of that for me. To those who can play an instrument and make music, I applaud you.

So blah blah blah, work work work, that's all I've been doing, and I'm pretty sure you all don't want to read about any more of that. So for now, I'll be off.

*pensive means in deep thought, or thoughtful, or thinking, or something in that area. ;)

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Random Stuff

Well, the Underground doesn't seem to be working again, but I doubt it would matter much even if it were working, because I never seem to online at the same time as any of my friends.

I stayed home all day yesterday just making jewelry stuff, experimenting with designs and all that. It's just me and my dad this weekend. So after working the whole day, I was dead tired and was so ready to sleep last night, and that's even after I took a nap in the afternoon. But for some reason, I couldn't sleep, even though my eye lids were so heavy, and my body was ready to shut down, sleep refused to consume me. So I think I ended up finally getting to sleep at around three or four am.

The day before yesterday (Friday), I went out with a friend of mine who I hadn't seen in about six months. The last time I saw him was the day of the Linkin Park concert last year. So we caught up on stuff, he's been really busy with his college apps, and he just finished and he seemed really happy about that. He told me all about the whole process, it was pretty interesting.

So we went to Greenbelt and we watched "Blade Trinity". I've never really watched any of the Blade movies, except for one, I think, when it came out on TV. He said he liked it, I on the hand, didn't. It was one of those movies that I wanted to see, but at the same time, didn't want to see, if you know what I mean. I do though want to see Ocean's Twelve and Kung Fu Hustle, which I'll probably go see this week.

After the movie, we went to Music One because I wanted to check for the Jack Johnson album which I've been looking for for so long. I'd seen it there some time ago, but I couldn't get it because I didn't have money, and now they don't have it anymore. They actually don't seem to have it anywhere, but I will keep looking for it.

Greenbelt's a pretty boring mall actually, it's just good for movies (the popcorn's great) and pretty much the rest of it is made up of ridiculously expensive restaurants and equally ridiculously expensive shops. I guess all around, it's just a ridiculously expensive mall. So we were left with nothing to do, so I decided to go ahead to another place I had to be.

The replay of the Collision Course viewing party, hosted by the LP street team. We had already done it last month, except we couldn't get the camera to work, so it didn't get to record anything for them to submit, so we had to all get together again and have part two, this time with two video cameras taping, just in case.

I couldn't stay late because I had to catch the train home. Three of us actually rode together and split up at the end. And then that was it. My dad picked me up from the train station and we went to McDonald's to have some ice cream.

Today, I'm probably gonna make more stuff so that they can go to San Diego (I think) to be displayed and hopefully bought. So that's it for now. Til next time.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Off to a Good Start

The new year is already a few days in, and it's been a really good few days. Everything's been going great so far, no problems just yet. I don't mind having no problems at all. I can't see into the future, I can't tell what's coming ahead, so I've just told myself, and I keep telling myself to just take it in day by day, and just to live in the moment, and not get too far ahead of myself. It's been working out.

I've also resolved never to be bored again, especially if I can help it, so that's what I've been doing. I've been keeping myself busy doing things that need to be done, things that needed to be done ages ago, which is another thing, eliminate procrastination. There are just a lot of things that I can work on to better myself, and I'll do it gladly.

So I'm still into the whole jewelry thing, and my sister and I are actually going to put our art and effort into much good use. We went shopping the other day, I think it was just yesterday. But it wasn't the usual mall shopping for clothes and what not, it was actually for jewelry materials. We make this stuff from scrap, basically, so we bought a whole lotta materials to get us started and going. We're hoping to make a profit from all of it. I mean, if we're going to spend so much time making these pretty little things, it would be great to get something from it in return, which is, in this case, profit.

I'm really excited about it, personally, because I've always wanted to get a job, except I've never been able to because I've always been under-aged. It's not like in the States where kids can get summer jobs or stuff like that. Here, there's an age thing going on. So the prospect of actually making money for myself is really exciting. And I'll really earn it, because it's something that I've worked hard on. Even when I was younger, I'd always come up with ways to make money, I had all these crazy ideas, but they worked. I think that may be saying something.

So here I am, barely a week into the year, and I'm loving it. I can feel something, I really think that this is going to be a very good year, if not great.