Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Random Thoughts

The days have been passing pretty quick. Thea's been out of the hospital for a while now. I don't even know what day it is right now... It's Wednesday. She got out on Sunday. Things seem to be going well, healing-wise. And things are moving.

There's just a whole lot going through my mind these days. I've been sick and it hasn't been fun. The medicine doesn't work, I've had a headache the size of Russia for three days straight now, and advil doesn't do jack.

Other than that, just pretty random things, like how the world is so evil. But then I thought about that for a little bit more, and I realised that this world is actually a very beautiful place, it's the people living in it that's giving it such a bad name. I'm not saying everybody, but you know who I'm talking about. The kind of people who don't care what kind of pain they inflict on other human beings. The kind of people who only care about themselves and no one else.

I've been thinking about the people in my life, the people that I know who meant more to me in the past than they do now, for whatever reasons.

I think it's just all been about life in general. I've been trying to write this thing (not THIS thing), about what I've been through in the last four years of my life, and it's coming out slowly, a work in progress, I might say. Eventually it'll be done, but exactly when, I couldn't tell you.

I've been trying to read the unabridged version of "Don Quixote". I started it about... maybe over a year ago, and then I stopped because it wasn't captivating enough for me at the time. So I've picked it up again, last month, and I've stopped again. I wonder if I'll ever finish it. I'm trying to, but I'll let you know when it's actually become a fact that I've read through the hundreds of pages from beginning to end. I'm optimistic.

So that's it. Enough blah blah for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is there a way that i can be notified through email if you've updated your blog? i'd like to "subscribe". what you write isn't a bunch of BS you know, there IS actually something worth reading from the keyboard that you massage. wish i can say the same about my writing. forgive me and my issues.

i too have books that i pick up one day and drop the next, only to pick up a few weeks later. i used to have "loyalty" issues with my books back then. i felt bad putting them down. but i realized that hey, it sucks if it sucks, i don't have to force it. and when i do let the wrong one down, i give room for the right one to come in, if you know what i mean. and do i find the book, or does the book find me?