Friday, June 10, 2005


Just when you think that life has thrown everything that it possibly can your way, and you've overcome your hardest obstacles and think that maybe from here on out, everything will be okay, it just sneaks up on you, tricky little life, and shoots you. Or, in my case, shoots my sister... right up the leg.

I wish I were kidding, but this is no joke. On Wednesday morning, my sister and some of her friends were hanging out at Venezia, or V Bar over at Makati. From what I know, a couple of fights had already broken out between all groups of people there. Things were getting out of hand, and just as they were about to leave, some guy just starts shooting his gun at everybody. Thea was hit, and so was her friend Mary, and a couple of other people. And one of their friends died.

Thea was shot in the upper right thigh. The bullet had gone through her bag and the contents of it, as well as through her cell phone, which most probably saved her life. She was immediately brought to the hospital, and they were going to operate on it to take the bullet out, but it had entered at an angle and so if they attempt to remove it, there's a chance that she could lose all feeling in her leg because the bullet is in a nerve area. So the bullet stays in, and hopefully her body will not reject it. Otherwise, they will have to operate.

Mary's hit was much worse. The bullet entered her left shin, it hit the bone which caused it to shatter, and then the bullet made it's exit. She has to undergo major surgery, and they're gonna put pins and metal in her leg to reconstruct it, but she's not gonna be able to walk for the next six to nine months.

It's crazy how one person's actions can affect so many others' lives. Nevermind if it's in a positive way, but this is not positive at all. So we're hoping for the best. We hope that the shooter gets caught and that he gets what he deserves. We're praying for a good recovery for both Thea and Mary and the other victims as well.

That's all that I can say for now.

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