Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Desperately Hooked

The other day, my friend Monica introduced Isa and I to a show called "Desperate Housewives", I'm sure many of you have heard of it. I had no idea what it was about, just that it was an award winning show. So we watched the first episode, then the second, then the third... It's one of those shows that's so bitin, I don't know how to say that in English... It leaves you hanging at the very end, so that you're just completely itching to see the next episode. And that's the problem with having access to all the episodes on a disc, because it's right there, and you can see it, and it just always ends just hanging like that, so then you're just stuck in front of the television changing disc after disc just to see what's going to happen next.

Monica lent me what she had so that I could finish it up at home, so last night, Thea gets home from Quezon City with Dylan, and then it all began. That is of course, right after Grounded For Life. I got my mom and my sister to park in front of the TV, because I had a feeling that they'd like it too. So in goes the first disc, and it all starts. My mom said that she'd only see the first episode because she was sleepy and that she was gonna go and put Dylan to bed. Wouldn't you know it, she was there all the way up until the third episode began. She would've stayed, but the little one needed her.

So it's down to me and Thea. Oh, and my younger brother decided to join us as well. So we finish the third, watch the fourth, and decide to see the fifth episode. It was already past midnight at that time, but there was no way we were about to stop watching, we couldn't. So at the end of the fifth episode, we go, "One more!". At the end of the sixth, "One More." At the end of the seventh episode, as usual, it left us hanging there. But, Oh God, it was already three in the morning, and Thea had Dylan duty bright and early, so it was a hard decision, but we decided that that was it for the night.

We are hooked, It's so crazy. Later on tonight, the continuation begins! Oh, and if you're reading this and are now thinking that it must be so good, and so you decide to go and see it and end up not thinking it's that good, what the hell am I talking about, then I'm sorry, I apologise. This is just my opinion, I think that Desperate Housewives is pretty damn good, otherwise I wouldn't stay up until the wee hours of the morning just watching to see what happens next. So if you want to, go and check it out, and you're definitely free to form your own opinion about it.

Okay cool, I'm off...

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