Thursday, January 13, 2005


I saw Ocean's Twelve the other day and I really liked it. It was a great movie, really entertaining, and the humor was awesome. That's probably the best sequel I've ever seen, and sequels tend to suck.

I've still been busy working but it's still fun. It's actually not as easy or as simple as my sister and I would like it to be. At first, the initial idea that was in our heads was that we'd buy a whole load of materials, make a whole load of stuff, sell them and make money. Yea, that's what happens but then there's more to it. We have to list all the prices, do the costing which means we have to calculate how much each piece costs, and then calculate the whole thing that we made, and then list it down, write it up for the records, and then make stock, among other things. Not that simple, yet still fun, and it most definitely is work. I'm still excited about it, and I'm looking forward to earning my money.

Yesterday, we went around to this other part of the city to look for more materials stores (that'd be me, Thea and our dad). It's not exactly a pleasant place, and it had just rained so it was muddy. We did find one store, but then it only sold stuff in bulk, so it was much more than what we needed, so all in all, our search was pretty unsuccessful. But at least now we know that there's nothing there and we need not worry about whether there could be other places to get supplies. I'm sure that there's more than just the one where we go to, but apparently, it doesn't want to be found.

Part of the things that I'd like to change and/or do this year is to get organised. Particulary speaking about my things that tend to be just all over the place. So I wanna go and look for little shelves and drawers of the sort to keep my stuff as organised as possible. Hopefully I'll find some and it won't be too expensive.

Also, yesterday, or the other day (I'm not sure anymore) I cleaned my guitar which was gathering a whole lot of dust. I haven't touched it in months, sadly. So I fixed it up and tuned it, or at least attempted to tune it which I'm not and never have been any good at.

The guitar is a beautiful instrument which can make beautiful music if you know what to do with it, which is why I took lessons so that I could know what to do with it. I guess you could say that I was just exploring, and I think that I've come to the conclusion that the guitar is not for me. I definitely love listening to music and just music in general, but I don't think that making music is part of that for me. To those who can play an instrument and make music, I applaud you.

So blah blah blah, work work work, that's all I've been doing, and I'm pretty sure you all don't want to read about any more of that. So for now, I'll be off.

*pensive means in deep thought, or thoughtful, or thinking, or something in that area. ;)

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