Thursday, December 30, 2004

Twenty o Four

Usually, at this time of the year, I'll usually have some super pensive moment, and just reflect on the year that's passed, and just write about it. I have to say though, that I haven't had any time to just sit by myself to think and write. I think I have a lot to say about this year. Should I just write about it now, off the top of my head?

Well, this year was a pretty hard one, not just for myself but for my family, I think it's safe to say. It was difficult, but at the same time, I think that it was a pretty good year for us as well. Speaking for myself, it was a huge learning year for me. There were a few moments of disappointment but also so many good times.

I've had a lot of time to think about everything, my past, my present and my very important future. I think that I've changed a lot this year. Call me vain, but I think that they were all positive changes and all for the better. At least, I hope so. I found out a lot about myself and who I was, again, ever changing.

At the end of tomorrow, this year will be over, and 2005 makes it's entrance. But this year, 2004 will be one of the most memorable years of my life. It could even possibly be the best year that I've ever experienced.

February 21 2004, I went to my very first concert ever, and it rocked. I had my first taste of what being a part of a live audience was, I felt the excitement of seeing someone that before then I had only heard through the speakers of my stereo, or seen through the TV screen. Thank you Jason Mraz for making my first concert experience one that will always be imbedded in my mind.

March 12 2004, three days before my birthday, I went and saw one of the best bands in the world, at least, to me. I was really far from the stage, and I didn't have my glasses yet, so they were a blur of a dot, but I could hear them perfectly and despite the distance, I loved every second of it. How I wish I could've met them that night. Incubus rocks my world.

May 4th, 2004. The birth of my nephew Dylan Matthew Miguel Arvisu. The joy of my family, the love of my sister's life, the happiest baby you will ever meet. He's growing up so fast, and he never ceases to amaze me and he always makes me smile no matter how down I might be. Loving him comes so easily, and I love him so much. I could go on and on about him.

June 12 2004 (I think), free concert! But it was someone I liked, and I was glad to see him perform, and to hear his songs. He really is talented. I got his autograph after the show. Ben Jelen. I doubt you've heard of him, but he's pretty good, go check him out.

June 15 2004. Now this is truly a night that I will forever remember, and think about and talk about for as long as I love them and even after that. Linkin Park, live in Manila. Need I say more? I met them that night, all six of them, shook their hands, said hello, got their autographs, was a complete and totally dorky fanatic, saw them perform live, was part of the wildest mosh pit ever, unbelievable. Even now, I can't believe that they were actually just inches in front of me a table between us, that I actually did meet them however brief it was. Truly an amazing night.

August 17 2004. I saw Hoobastank live in Manila. Concert number five. That was cool, I think I have an entry about it. I just feel really lucky to have been able to see them perform, cuz I am a fan. Maybe not a hardcore one, but I like their music and that's all there is to it.

October something 2004. I went to see her with my sister, and we had the worst seats in the house, but it was a lot of fun because I was with Thea. We heard her fine though, it was great. Alicia Keys.

After seeing all those people perform live, I just look back and just know how lucky I really am. I loved all of them so much more after experiencing the live show. I have so much respect for them for being able to do what they do. For a certain two, I thought I loved them as much as I could, and after their concerts, I realised that I could love them even more. It's insane.

So those were probably the key events of this year. And again, I cannot stress enough how lucky I know I am despite hardships and trouble. I have an amazing family that I absolutely love, and that's all I need to get through anything. So as long as we're together and the love for each other is there, then I think we're okay.

I really look forward to next year. I'm looking forward to it being even better than this year. I'm prepared for more change, positive changes to be exact. There's a lot of anticipation, I think, but I'll just take it day by day, and not get too ahead of myself. Take it as it comes, and hope for the best. Let's see what happens.

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