Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Read Me

I was experimenting with my blog just now, and I added a chat box over on the side bar. I got it to work, but then decided that I didn't want it there. It just looked off, maybe I did something wrong, but either way, I changed my mind and decided not to put it there.

This morning, I went to Makati to meet up with a friend. It was the earliest that I had ever been out in a really long time. I was out of the house at 9:30 in the morning so that I could meet up with her thirty minutes later, and I was really okay with it. I didn't mind waking up early to go out at all. I think, if anything, I needed it.

I took the train to get there and to get home, all by myself (yay =P). I met up with Sian who I met through the LPU. I first met her in person back in June while we were waiting to meet Linkin Park, and then we met up again at the Hoobastank concert in August. This morning, we did some Collision Course promoting in the mall. The first person we saw was actually a friend of mine who was in fact a Linkin Park fan, and he said that the album rocked. We gave him two stickers.

It was fun, going up to random people asking if they liked LP, telling them about the mash up, giving them stickers. Sian actually went up to one guy, but he said that he liked Usher. No sticker for him. So it was cool, I hadn't done that before and it was fun.

Most of my friends are into hip hop and generally, our musical taste clashes, so when I'm with my friends, I don't talk about LP too much because they aren't interested in that topic, so it's nice to have a different set of people and friends that I can actually have Linkin Park conversations with if I wanted.

So there. Now I'm just hanging out, pretty much. There's not a lot going on online right now though.

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