Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I'm About to Be Legal

I'm turning eighteen in a few months. For the past few years, I've been pretty laid back and just kept the birthday celebrations on the down low. Mostly because I didn't really want to celebrate much. But next year, I want to really do something. At least... something more than what I've done during the past couple of birthdays.

I don't have any ideas as of now, I've actually never had any "birthday ideas". Would it be dumb of me to procrastinate the planning, or should I bust my brain thinking of what to do?

I don't want something big though, just simple. I guess if my friends are there, and we've got lots and lots of good food and good music, I'm good to go. The thing with me though, is that I would much rather stay at home than go out to a club and party. Yea, I'm a homebody, whereas my friends choose to live the party life.

But I guess I will think of something. I've got time.

1 comment:

Mitzi said...

hey aica! when's your birthday? happy birthday in advanced anyway! :D btw, this is my blog add:

i linked you na! hope you don't mind :D