Thursday, December 16, 2004


Hello, my name is Aica, and I am an addict. Blame it all on my sister, she introduced it to me and got me hooked. Although she did warn me that it would be addictive, I went ahead with it anyway. I know what you're most probably thinking, and I can tell you right now, that it's not what you think. I have become addicted... to the art of jewellery making.

Thea's been making them for a while, it's been months now. She'd usually make them at Mars's house and so I'd never see her actually make them, all I saw were the finished products. She now stays with us during the week, so she decided to bring all the stuff with her and make them at home where she actually has the time to make them.

So, a few days ago, I go into the room and she's at it, making jewellery, and I'm there simply to observe. That is until she asks me if I'd like to make something. So I agree since it looks interesting, and besides, I had nothing to do anyway. I'm a really fast learner, so she only had to teach me once, and I was off.

In a few minutes, I had made my first pair of earrings. After an hour, I had made about a lot. My room is now littered with earrings, litterally hanging from any place possible. Yes, I was hooked, and I just kept making them and making them until I had run out of ideas or more likely, run out of energy.

I have so many now, it's crazy. I now have a pair to match every single outfit I have or ever will have from now until the rest of my life. Or, more believeably, until they go out of style. But honestly, even when that day comes, I'll probably still be wearing them.

There's a really good sense of accomplishment from being able to make something myself, even more so something I can actually use, everyday if I wanted, so I feel good. Now, it just seems dumb to go out and buy jewellery at what I now realise are pretty expensive prices. I like being able to do something productive with my time, and something fun at that, and inexpensive (one of the best parts). Something that keeps the boredom from seeping in is more than welcome.

Last night, there I was, making even more earrings, and then all of a sudden, I realised that we were out of hooks. What a crisis! Well, I took it as a sign that I had probably made enough earrings (at least, for now), and that I should now make more necklaces and bracelets to match the number of earrings. Which I am actually doing.

It's unbelievable the amount that I've made in just three days. Some of the ones I've made, I'm pretty attached to and am so proud of, and then there are also some that I'm not embarassed to admit, are just plain ugly. My problem now is that I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to keep them all...

1 comment:

-t. said...

i have lured you into the dark side... bwahahahaha!
i'm just kidding. it's fun in'it? =)
so... how about starting to get addicted to that other something, ey? *wink wink* ;-P har har! just kidding! dang...
i seriously have to be on something...