Sunday, January 09, 2005

Random Stuff

Well, the Underground doesn't seem to be working again, but I doubt it would matter much even if it were working, because I never seem to online at the same time as any of my friends.

I stayed home all day yesterday just making jewelry stuff, experimenting with designs and all that. It's just me and my dad this weekend. So after working the whole day, I was dead tired and was so ready to sleep last night, and that's even after I took a nap in the afternoon. But for some reason, I couldn't sleep, even though my eye lids were so heavy, and my body was ready to shut down, sleep refused to consume me. So I think I ended up finally getting to sleep at around three or four am.

The day before yesterday (Friday), I went out with a friend of mine who I hadn't seen in about six months. The last time I saw him was the day of the Linkin Park concert last year. So we caught up on stuff, he's been really busy with his college apps, and he just finished and he seemed really happy about that. He told me all about the whole process, it was pretty interesting.

So we went to Greenbelt and we watched "Blade Trinity". I've never really watched any of the Blade movies, except for one, I think, when it came out on TV. He said he liked it, I on the hand, didn't. It was one of those movies that I wanted to see, but at the same time, didn't want to see, if you know what I mean. I do though want to see Ocean's Twelve and Kung Fu Hustle, which I'll probably go see this week.

After the movie, we went to Music One because I wanted to check for the Jack Johnson album which I've been looking for for so long. I'd seen it there some time ago, but I couldn't get it because I didn't have money, and now they don't have it anymore. They actually don't seem to have it anywhere, but I will keep looking for it.

Greenbelt's a pretty boring mall actually, it's just good for movies (the popcorn's great) and pretty much the rest of it is made up of ridiculously expensive restaurants and equally ridiculously expensive shops. I guess all around, it's just a ridiculously expensive mall. So we were left with nothing to do, so I decided to go ahead to another place I had to be.

The replay of the Collision Course viewing party, hosted by the LP street team. We had already done it last month, except we couldn't get the camera to work, so it didn't get to record anything for them to submit, so we had to all get together again and have part two, this time with two video cameras taping, just in case.

I couldn't stay late because I had to catch the train home. Three of us actually rode together and split up at the end. And then that was it. My dad picked me up from the train station and we went to McDonald's to have some ice cream.

Today, I'm probably gonna make more stuff so that they can go to San Diego (I think) to be displayed and hopefully bought. So that's it for now. Til next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tell me what pensive means.

i just finished watching Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. If you haven't seen it, do so. I woke up at 3.30 this afternoon. We had guests. They had a dog. His name was Texas. I don't have a dog.

I had a good lazy weekend. Sick though, so that's why I'm lazy.

You write a lot. I'm not surprised. You've always wanted to write. I can't make myself do that. It just comes to me, once in a green mooon.

The snow has been stuck up in the sky this winter. It's delaying my snowboarding activities.

I'm in a weird phase right now. Sleeping hasn't been an option lately.

I've checked out music in the "drum 'n bass" genre. I'm not into it.

Hot Hot Heat is a cool band. Jack Johnson can put me to bed.

It's Kat =)