Friday, September 03, 2004

I can't think

Well, I said I'd write when I had time, and I have time now. But just like last time, I still have no particular subject in mind. Does anybody ever read this anyway? Aside from my sister. =) But I won't be discouraged with the lack of hits and comments. I guess, ultimately, this is just a place for me to unload.

It's just me and my dad this weekend. The rest of my family's gone to visit my relatives. I guess that'll give me some time to finally finish the book I'm reading, since I've been neglecting it all week. And clean up my room, if I get the energy to start. Just as long as I have my music on, cleaning up isn't too bad.

I find that really weird though, that I'm so OC about germs, but my room's a mess. Well, okay, it's not that messy. But it's not the neatest thing you'll ever see... But when I re-read that sentence, I totally pictured my room to have absolutely no walking space on the floor, clothes and rotting food everywhere. Which is disgusting, and there is no way my room would ever get like that.

So, okay, trying to put descriptive pictures in people's heads, not my area of expertise. Although babbling might be... have you noticed? I should probably stop before this gets any weirder. haha =)

Oh, I just had lunch at McDonald's with my older brother... I think that might've been the most time we've spent together in months. But I was glad he was there, cuz if not, I would've had to eat alone, and that would've been sad.

So there it is, my entry for the day. I'll get back to you.

1 comment:

Prasad said...

Found your blog interesting. Dont know if anybody else reads you blog or no but I will sure have a look at it every now and then. You can find my blog at though I'vs just begun with this blog thing.