Saturday, August 07, 2004

Friends Forever

Is there even such a thing? I've been thinking about it, and it seems as if there really isn't. When you say that to someone (with all honesty), chances are, you're young (and most probably a girl). I guess, what it is, is just a hopeful wish. A wish that you will stay friends forever. But how often does that actually happen?

As a person who likes to believe in good things like happy endings, I'd also like to believe that you can count on "friends forever". But unfortunately, like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (you'd like to think it's there, but it's really not), it doesn't exist. It's possible, yea, but it would take a lot of hard work coming from both ends, and in this day and age, most people prefer things to be easy, and as simple as it can get. Which in my opinion, is a huge pity.

I've lost contact with so many people that I used to know, and I thought we'd know each other for the rest of our lives. But I was young, and I didn't realise how important keeping in touch was. And even if we did keep in touch, would we still be friends a couple of years down the line?

People grow up, and they change. If you were friends with someone when you were ten, even if you guys are together during the time in between, you might not be friends when you're twenty. Common interests will change, sometimes up to the point that you can't relate to each other anymore, and it breaks the friendship apart, because you yourselves have grown apart.

I'm not saying that all friendships are going to suffer that fate, I'm just saying that a lot of the time, that's how it is. Change is inevitable. Maintaining a friendship is a lot of hard work, and sadly, a lot of people aren't up to it.

It's not often that we find friends that we'd like to keep. You don't find real friends everyday either. That is a rarity and a privilege to have. So if you've got a friend or friends worth keeping, I suggest you work hard and do your part to keep the friendship going.

And keep in touch! It's the year 2004, with all the technology, there's really no excuse. A simple text message, a phone call, an e-mail. You don't need to be a genious to work any of them.

Most of the time, we take things for granted and think it's not important, but it is. Friends can define who you are or who you will be in the future. They can play a really huge role in your life. So I guess how long "friends forever" lasts, is really up to you.

1 comment:

-t. said...

i'll be your friend forever... =) *hihi*
geez... you sound like a 28 year old with experience. haha! but, really, that was a nice entry and i totally agree with you. Sad but true, huh? i say if you consider 1 person to be a true friend, then you're lucky enough already. If you have more than 1... well, i guess you've got it made. =) It's hard to find real people nowadays...