Tuesday, August 17, 2004


I am now the proud owner of "White Fluffly Clouds", a book by Brandon Boyd. Some of you may be more familiar with him if referred to as "the lead singer of Incubus". Aside from being a singer/songwriter (and a good one, I might add), Brandon is also a very talented artist.

Unfortunately, not too many people know this about him because a lot of the time (again, unfortunately), they're too caught up in his "hottness" to know anything else about him. I don't mean for that to be offensive, it's just true a lot of the time.

The book showcases his amazing art, pictures that he's taken, thoughts, and "psycho babble", among other things. Amazing is really the only word I can think of to describe it. It's really different from anything I've seen, and in that sense, I really like it. It's just really... out there, and it's so refreshing to see some variety, especially nowadays, when it feels as if everything's been done.

That's the book cover. And that drawing, in particular, is one of my personal favorites. The whole book is just so inspiring, I can only wish that I could draw like that, if I could draw at all.

And speaking of inspirations, you can only wonder what was going through Brandon's head while he was drawing all of that. I seriously just want to sit down with him and ask him all about the book, and what the drawings represent to him.

If you're into art, and you're all for diversity, then I suggest you check it out. *A HUGE thank you to Monica for providing me with my copy. =) Also, check out www.brandonboydbooks.com for a better preview.

Brandon Boyd, is truly gifted.

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