Friday, March 28, 2008


Today is my last day at work. I resigned at around the beginning of the month, and I've spent the last couple of weeks slowly turning over my responsibilities and easing myself out of "work-mode", if that's the right term for it.

I feel great. Better than I have been in a pretty long time. Like I've constantly been saying all along, I just really have good vibes about this year. I know that it's extremely cheesy, but I do feel change in the air - the good kind.

I spent the long Easter Weekend at home again. So I'm keeping up with the running joke that I'm supposed to go at least once every month. And since I'll be having more time on my hands now, going up will be pretty easy. It's only a six hour trip away anyway.

Yesterday, I officially gave up chocolate for the rest of the year. All the way until December 31, 2008. No chocolate in any form, whatsoever. I think that it won't be very hard, to be honest. But then again, it hasn't even been twenty four hours, so I guess we'll see where I'm at in like a week or so. I'm not really sure what brought it on. Although I have been eating Snickers bars and M&M's in pretty large amounts over the last few weeks - yesterday included. So I kinda just thought, eh, why not? And here I am.

Also, I'm going to cut my hair. Like, really short. I would seriously shave it, but I figure that'd be a bit drastic, and I'm not really ready to have people staring at me everywhere I go. But just for the record, I do want to shave my head at least once in my lifetime. But not today.

I've always worn my hair long for as far back as I can remember. I've always had some sort of trauma about cutting it and never wanting it to be short. I've basically had the same hair for the last decade or more, with maybe the exception of a few changes in layers and color, it's pretty much been the same. So last night (just a little after giving up chocolate), I just felt like I had to cut my hair. And I'm pretty set about it. If I don't do it tonight, it's gonna happen tomorrow. And if it ends up being a disaster, it won't be so bad because the beauty of hair is that it grows back.

It's all part of the change that I'm feeling. There are just some things that are popping into my head from out of nowhere, and I just know that I have to do it. I know it sounds a bit psycho, but I just don't know how else to explain it. And I'm not really going to try and explain it, I'm only here to share.

Maybe another thing to pop into my head is to write here more. And like I said, since I'll have more time on my hands starting next week, there's a pretty good chance that that's gonna happen. I'm not making any promises though, I'm just saying that it's something that I'd like to do. And if it ends up happening, then that's great. And if not, then I'll just try to keep up the one entry a month thing.

I'm also determined to learn the local language of my home town. Part of it is purely just the desire to know another dialect of my language, and again with the cheesy, but I also want to connect to where I'm from. I know that it's been years since I've been going there, and I've been living here longer than the time I've spent there, but that was because I was always just too young to go at my leisure. Now that I'm older and a lot more independent, I see myself spending a lot more time there. I'm even seriously considering settling down there in the distant future, to be honest.

Like, right now, if I had a choice, I would move back. I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but I just really prefer the lifestyle there and how everything is so laid back, relaxed and simple. The weather's great, the people are friendly, the cost of living is considerably lower. It's a tight knit community and I see it as being a lot more comfortable. I don't really see a downside at this point.

So that's basically what's been going on in my head over the last month. Lots of stuff, times of change, pure excitement. I'm pretty optimistic about everything, so I'm really looking forward to what's coming next. And that's kinda the fun part - not really knowing what's coming next. You kinda just see where it takes you and go with it. Makes things so much more interesting that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how short will you cut it? Will you post a before and after photo?