Saturday, October 23, 2004


I haven't posted in a while... A lot of the blog postings I've been doing have been over at my blog on myspace. I kind of figured that I should leave this one for more "serious" topics, but since I never have any of those, the end result is usually this blog being neglected.

Last night, my sister and I were supposed to meet Ethan Zohn, Survivor Africa's winner, and we were both looking forward to it, since he's one of our favorites. Personally, I was rooting for him during Africa, and even when he went back for All Stars, so we were pretty excited. But unfortunately, it didn't push through. The plans got all messed up, so to our disappointment, it didn't happen.

But it's okay though, I can't have everything right? It would've been more than awesome, but these things happens, so... what would I have said to him anyway? I'm pretty sure he's absolutely sick of hearing Survivor questions. If anything, I most probably would've been the biggest dork ever, being such a fanatic and all. I'm getting a mental picture right now... pretty funny.

Other than that... Thea and Dylan spent the week with us, and they'll be spending every week to come with us as well. It's been great having the whole family together since we haven't been all together in a really long time. It's been really fun having them around. And going to bed knowing that they'll be there the next morning is a pretty good feeling to add to everything else.

Since our family's really close, it's just a blast when we're all together, just really being a family. Picking on each other (jokingly of course), laughing together, or at each other, whatever the occasion calls for, and just, being happy together. It's such a great feeling to be complete.

They've gone to the other house today to spend time with Dylan's dad and his family, and they'll be back on Tuesday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no!no! carry on with this blog! i do read a lot :)
