Saturday, July 31, 2004


The Hoobastank concert's in about two weeks. I really really want to go. It's so cool that all these international bands are coming over. I've already been to four concerts this year. Two of which were my two most ultimate favorite bands. =)

My plan for getting Hoobastank tickets, if I couldn't buy them, was to win them over the radio.But the chances of me winning are very small. I've actually never won anything, ever. But I don't have to do that anymore, because someone I know, let me have her other ticket, which I thought was super nice.

So now, I have a ticket, and I have someone to go to the concert with. I don't have to be a concert loner anymore! So thanks a lot to Sian for being more than cool. =)

The concert's on a Tuesday, so most of the people I know have school, so they can't make the show. Bummer...

Is it obvious that I have absolutely no idea what to write? In between trying to think of what to write, I'm browsing the LPU message boards. Someone started an age thread, basically asking how old people were. Or in this case, how young. They're young... 12-16. Either they're the only ones replying to the thread, or it's turning into a kiddie fan club. No offense.

So there. I guess that's my entry for the day. Oh, my nephew's getting baptised tomorrow. He's gonna have to wear a dress. Plus a hat bonnet thinggy that, according to his mother, makes him look like a milk maid. Fun... =)

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


This is my favorite nephew, Dylan. Well, he's my only nephew. =) He's absolutely adorable. He's almost 3 months now, and getting really big. 

Everything he does is just so cute. Even when he cries. No matter how much drool is coming out of his mouth, he still manages to look really cute. That's only acceptable with babies though (A grown man drooling is hardly cute). 
There's so much to wonder about him. What kind of stuff he'll like, what sports he'll be into, what type of music he'll like, and so much more.
It's so easy to love him.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

I'm bored...

But then again, when am I never bored? I told myself that I never wanted to be bored ever again, and I'm trying, but it doesn't seem to work...

Anyways, I'm visiting my relatives. My brother got me into this game called Restaurant Empire. Basically, I have to run this restaurant and meet my goals. It's really challenging, and at the same time, annoying, because it's kinda hard. But it keeps me busy. But I still love The Sims.

I have to go now...  Oh hey, there's Formula One tonight...

Thursday, July 22, 2004


My titles are so dull... =)
Yesterday, my sister and I took the train to get to her dentist. It's really convenient and A LOT cheaper than taking a cab. During the afternoons though, they tend to get really crowded. It's like a mosh pit, minus the music. And since it's hot here, people sweat. I'm not even going to elaborate... Let's just say... When you're gonna get on a train, especially if it gets as packed as it does here, good personal hygiene is appreciated. By everyone.
People don't usually give this a second thought, but I'm semi OC, so it's a pretty big issue with me. When you get on public transportation, you might want to think twice about touching anything in it. Like, the railings, for example. Do you realise how many people touch that everyday? And a lot of people don't really wash their hands... So, they could've scratched their butts, or touched other things nasty before holding onto that railing... It's just gross...
My brother and I took a jeep earlier (For those of you who don't know, a jeep is public transportation here, and they're everywhere). And it was so ghetto. It was coming apart everywhere. I seriously wouldn't've been surprised if that thing just came apart and collapsed right in the middle of the street. And these jeepney drivers are maniacs too. They drive like they're immune or something. It was by far, the scariest ride I've ever been on. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I should introduce myself...

I'm from the Philippines, born and raised. I haven't been anywhere else, but I definitely have plans of travelling around the world, and seeing other places.
I mentioned that it took a while to come up with my blog name, and as you can see, I got one. It doesn't really mean anything... just that I'm very pensive, and I've been told that I have fanatic tendencies. Nothing crazy though, or at least, I don't think so. Oh, I tend to ramble, totally random things.
I love music (especially Linkin Park and Incubus). I think my taste in music is pretty diverse. I'm not exactly picky when it comes to the stuff I listen to. If I like it, I like it. I find genres to be really... stupid? I think that it's just the music industry's attempt to try and classify everything, but it's really not necessary. I think that it causes people to be really closed-minded about what they listen to. They'll stick to one genre and ignore everything else. In my opinion, talent is talent. Anyways, I could go on about this forever.
I love movies too. But they haven't really released anything good recently. Everything's so predictable, and if not, it's already been done. Nothing new.
I think that should do it for now. Happy Birthday Mom! =)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Getting started

I finally got this thing going. After a lot of thought, mostly about the name (Now my sister's gotta think of hers). And after that sign up process, my brain is fried. Yes, it was only three steps, but my mind is not exactly up to speed this morning... afternoon.
I actually have no idea what to say right now. My mind is a complete blank.