Thursday, October 04, 2007

It's Been A While...

Over two years, to be exact. Out of curiosity, I typed in my old blog address to see if it was still there, and here it is. All fixed, too...

I just had this urge to start writing, and didn't know where else to go. But then in the time that it took for me to remember what my username and password was, the mood seemed to have passed.

I got a kick out of seeing my band links though. I still love those bands with a fanatical passion that comes naturally to me, but they no longer occupy the "top seats", if you know what I mean.

I want to spend some time over the weekend to read my old entries to see where my head was at twenty four months ago. It should be pretty interesting. I'm still with the same job; a responsibilty that has slowly driven me out of my mind to the point that I'm not entirely sure whether I'm still sane or not. But I'm alive, and I function... most of the time :)

The time in between the last entry; my saying goodbye, and this entry; my "return" could produce seven hundred and forty stories - one for every day that I've been gone - but none of them will be written. I don't even know whether there'll be an entry after this one. But we'll see, I guess.

Anyway, I'm off...

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