Saturday, October 23, 2004


I haven't posted in a while... A lot of the blog postings I've been doing have been over at my blog on myspace. I kind of figured that I should leave this one for more "serious" topics, but since I never have any of those, the end result is usually this blog being neglected.

Last night, my sister and I were supposed to meet Ethan Zohn, Survivor Africa's winner, and we were both looking forward to it, since he's one of our favorites. Personally, I was rooting for him during Africa, and even when he went back for All Stars, so we were pretty excited. But unfortunately, it didn't push through. The plans got all messed up, so to our disappointment, it didn't happen.

But it's okay though, I can't have everything right? It would've been more than awesome, but these things happens, so... what would I have said to him anyway? I'm pretty sure he's absolutely sick of hearing Survivor questions. If anything, I most probably would've been the biggest dork ever, being such a fanatic and all. I'm getting a mental picture right now... pretty funny.

Other than that... Thea and Dylan spent the week with us, and they'll be spending every week to come with us as well. It's been great having the whole family together since we haven't been all together in a really long time. It's been really fun having them around. And going to bed knowing that they'll be there the next morning is a pretty good feeling to add to everything else.

Since our family's really close, it's just a blast when we're all together, just really being a family. Picking on each other (jokingly of course), laughing together, or at each other, whatever the occasion calls for, and just, being happy together. It's such a great feeling to be complete.

They've gone to the other house today to spend time with Dylan's dad and his family, and they'll be back on Tuesday.

Monday, October 11, 2004

The Weekend

So my sister and I went and saw the Alicia Keys concert last Saturday, and she was amazing. When it comes to her dancing, she's no Britney, but her singing... WoW. Whether an artist's talented or not, really comes out during their live show.

We were seated in the last possible row. And the venue was huge, and it was a sold out show. And since it's a dome, not only were we far, we were also pretty high up. So we could see the entire venue, and can I just say, I've never seen so many people in my entire life. When she told everyone to start clapping, they'd start clapping, and from our view, it was definitely a sight to see.

The tickets were actually free, so the day before the show, we went online to see the venue's floor plan, to see where we'd be seated. And we saw that it was far. Like I said, last row possible. Which was okay with me, because I'm an Alicia Keys fan, just not a HUGE fan or anything like that, so just hearing her, was okay for me.

So anyways, since we knew we were gonna be so far, I decided to bring binoculars. Which turned out to be a pretty good idea, because we were able to see her up close, in a way.So all in all, she was amazing, her back up singers were awesome, the band was good, and it was a pretty good show. I'm glad I got to go. That would make it concert number six for this year.

Thea and Dylan have been at home with us since Thursday, and it's been great. Usually, we go over to visit them, but this time, we changed it up a bit. I miss them so much when they're not around, so having them be at home, the whole family there, was really nice. When they're not there, it always seems as if something's missing.

Dylan is one happy baby. And not to mention the most malikot boy you'll ever meet. When that little man figures out how to crawl, we're all in trouble. When he figures out how to walk and run, we're in a whole lot of trouble. There will be no keeping that boy still. He is just such a joy, and he has this amazing ability to make you smile, no matter what mood you happen to be in. Such innocence and happiness, he is a gift to this family.

It's also been so great to have Thea around. Getting to hang out again, go to the mall and whatever. It's also so much easier for her to be at home, because she's got five extra people to help her out with the little one, as opposed to minimal or no help at all. So why doesn't she just stay here? I wish it were that simple, but it's a bit more complicated than that.

So all in all, this weekend's been pretty good. It's been a while since the whole family's been together, so it's been really nice. Dylan's gotten to know us all a bit more, and I think it's safe to say that he's gotten pretty attached to his grandpa. Hopefully we can do this more often, but we'll see how things go.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Planet Earth and it's Inhabitants

***This might be a bit depressing, but it's only the truth

We live in a world that's polluted, overpopulated, and full of evil, to name a few things. Money rules the world. Anybody who says that "money is the root of all evil", doesn't have any. Millions and millions of people have to work with minimum wage salaries, and chances are, they're crappy jobs, that they probably hate, but have to do, because they have families that they have to feed, children to send to school, in other words, people they need to provide for. They work their asses off trying to do that, and a lot of the time, it's just not enough.

Consider them lucky, because another couple of million people don't even have jobs. They're submerged in poverty, living on the streets, stomachs empty, begging on the side of the road. A lot of them are children, brought into the world with no other choice.

But at the same time, here are these celebrities, who make millions of dollars for what they do. They can afford to live in massive mansions, furnished with the most expensive things money can buy. They can have five of the same cars all different colors if they wanted. The most expensive clothes, living a lavish lifestyle, having more money than they could ever spend.

And when it comes to these designer labels, why is it that the celebrities, who we've established are drowning in cash, get the discounts? It's not like they can't afford it. It's more like they're the only ones who can (afford it). Celebrities and heiresses are chosen for million dollar endorsements. Why? If you can afford to spend that much money to have someone endorse something, pick somebody who could use the money.

Our generation is so high tech. We have invented something for everything. The human brain is capable of so much. We all have potential to be geniouses. We're so smart, we know right from wrong, we know how to get things done. So why is it that it's so hard for us to put trash in trash cans? We choose to toss it out into the street instead. What's up with that?

I don't watch the news because a lot of it is just negative, and I don't know politics. But I know that our governments are corrupt. Power hungry. A person running for president will cheat just so they can win. So what's the point of voting? If, as the person running, you know you're gonna lose, why would you still cheat? So you can run a country and it's people, who don't want you to run them? You cheat, you "win", and then what? The people didn't choose you, they don't want you there.

So many people out there are so insanely paranoid, because out there, it's just not safe anymore. Walking home alone can scare anybody half to death, because the reality is, there's something to be scared of. Being mugged, raped, or even killed. For money? Material things? No one feels safe anymore and it's just so wrong.

I guess it's like that for equilibrium, balance. Because at the same time, while there's so much evil, there's still enough good. But it doesn't stop it from being puzzling. I don't really know how to end this. I've said pretty much what I've wanted to say. So I'll leave it at that.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

I've Done The Unthinkable

So, we were talking about Friendster. I have avoided that place for over a year (I've already mentioned why), despite all the people telling me I should join. See, just the word join, it's like they're inviting me into their cult. Okay, so maybe that's a little over the top.

So with what I've done, I've contradicted myself as well as, shall I say, my values. I have done the unthinkable, and I have signed up for friendster. Initially, it was just so that I could look at people's profiles. See how conceited or humble they were. A lot of them have hidden profiles though, so that wasn't very effective.

Yea, I'm on my space, and I like it so much better. The all around layout, and the blog that comes with it. But eveyone else I know is on friendster. It's the same with this, I have a blog on here, but everyone else is on live journal. That's the problem with wanting to be different. You're usually left all by yourself with the decisions you make.

I'm not gonna be bitter about having joined, and in that sense, losing the strike. Because here's my logic behind it. People are more likely to log onto friendster than take the time to email someone. In other words, being a part of it, makes it so much easier to keep in touch. Whether I like the person or not, I'll know where to reach them, if ever.

Friendster and my space, if you think about it, is just one big directory. Connecting millions and millions of people, it's an online phonebook. And I think it's a good idea to be a part of it. My intentions are purely for keeping in touch with people, because I realise it's importance now.

Having signed up, I have found people that I most probably would never have heard from again, for the rest of my life. You are meant to meet the people you meet, and in the same way, if you lose someone forever, for whatever reason, that's how it was supposed to be. And those people, you'll find, are not a part of friendster or my space.