Thursday, August 11, 2005

Working Girl

I got a job. And it's been really good so far. "I am employed", is an astonishing thought. I work now from 9 AM to 6 PM. I wake up at 7, leave before 8 because it's a forty five minute commute from home to the office. I think that my body is still getting used to that schedule, because before then, I'd be waking up at 9 at the earliest. But I think that I'm doing okay, body clock-wise. I'm on my second week, currently.

I'm actually really glad that I've been given this opportunity. I've been wanting a job now for a while and I don't think that this could've come at a better time. I believe that my experiences of the past four years were preparing me for this next step in life. I know, you're probably thinking, "it's just a job, what is she going on about?", but for me, this is truly important.

My days are now booked, my week is scheduled for me, so to speak. I spend the day at the office, come home at night, and I do that for five days. In other words, I'm busy, all week. That's something that I haven't been in way too long. I used to have all the time in the world to do absolutely nothing, and I distinctly remember telling myself at one point that it would be okay with me, if I didn't have to do this (doing nothing, bumming) for the rest of my life. And now that is where I'm at.

I plan on taking this very seriously, because it's a huge opportunity that I'm very thankful for, and I'm not about to take it for granted. I find that I'm happier than usual, that I'm actually doing something, that I'm constantly learning, expanding my mind, and expanding my world. In short, I find that things are going good. And I'm very optimistic about the future.

I do miss my family, most especially Dylan (I hope that I can say that without any of my family members feeling any jealousy :) ), while I'm away, but I understand that it's part of it. But anyway, that's what the weekend's for! And I can actually look forward to Fridays again, again, something I haven't done in too long - looking forward to the weekend. Everyday was like a weekend. Now it's not, and I have priorities and responsibilities, which I've always had, but now it's gone up a notch.

Anyway, I'm freezing, and I'm gonna head home now (I'm at netopia). Update soon.


Anonymous said...

aics! you have a job??? tell me about it sometime k? hopefully we can meet up one of these weekends when you're free! i hope you and your family are doing well.. see you soon! take care always.. :o) isa

Mitzi said...

cool!! where are you working now?? what's your job like??