Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Wonders of Internet

In the past few days, I've been chatting with friends from England, America and Norway, and also with friends in the same city as me. I've only just recently gotten Yahoo Messenger and MSN, eventhough I've had email addresses at both for years now. I've just never had constant access to a computer before. It's so great, it's so easy to catch up with so many people that I haven't seen or talked to in too long.

Anyway, that's it! I hope my blog's fixed by now... I'll be finding out in a minute or so...

Monday, August 29, 2005


My buttons aren't working, over there on the right side... My links and all that, it's all blank... It's really weird. I have no idea how to fix it. Anyway, whatever... :)

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Praise The Weekend

The situation has now reversed itself. I now have things to write about, but now no longer have any time to log on here to write, as you may have noticed. But now, it's a Sunday, and I have time on my hands before I go off to work again tomorrow. Do I even have work tomorrow? Is it a holiday? Who knows...

Anyway, work's been good. I'm slowly getting more comfortable with the people, and I really should because as of now, I'm actually spending more time with them than I am with my own family. But everyone's been really nice, so it's really not much of a problem, it's just my shyness and introvertion factor.

And! I found an Oasis cd the other day. I found "Standing on the Shoulder of Giants" at one of the malls that I walk through every day to get to the train to get home. It felt great, I'm now only three cds short of completing the classics, proud to say. And according to the Tower Records guy, they're on their way, there's just no definite date. So I just have to keep checking back constantly.

And also, my LPU package finally got here. I thought that it had exceeded its eight week limit, but it turns out, that it actually got here on the seventeeth, and the mail man was just taking his sweet time about getting me the package slip. So I ended up getting it on the twenty fourth. But it's cool, at least I got it, and it erases all my theories, like it was stolen, or lost, or whatever...

What can I say about this year's package. I found that I wasn't as excited about it as I had been with the first three. I think that my love for the band has somewhat dissipated, unfortunately. I mean, I still love them, but just not as much as I used to. Can't exactly say why either. And it doesn't help that it could take years before their new music comes out. Anyway...

Well, I'm doing good, and everything's well, I'm glad to report. And that should be it for now.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Working Girl

I got a job. And it's been really good so far. "I am employed", is an astonishing thought. I work now from 9 AM to 6 PM. I wake up at 7, leave before 8 because it's a forty five minute commute from home to the office. I think that my body is still getting used to that schedule, because before then, I'd be waking up at 9 at the earliest. But I think that I'm doing okay, body clock-wise. I'm on my second week, currently.

I'm actually really glad that I've been given this opportunity. I've been wanting a job now for a while and I don't think that this could've come at a better time. I believe that my experiences of the past four years were preparing me for this next step in life. I know, you're probably thinking, "it's just a job, what is she going on about?", but for me, this is truly important.

My days are now booked, my week is scheduled for me, so to speak. I spend the day at the office, come home at night, and I do that for five days. In other words, I'm busy, all week. That's something that I haven't been in way too long. I used to have all the time in the world to do absolutely nothing, and I distinctly remember telling myself at one point that it would be okay with me, if I didn't have to do this (doing nothing, bumming) for the rest of my life. And now that is where I'm at.

I plan on taking this very seriously, because it's a huge opportunity that I'm very thankful for, and I'm not about to take it for granted. I find that I'm happier than usual, that I'm actually doing something, that I'm constantly learning, expanding my mind, and expanding my world. In short, I find that things are going good. And I'm very optimistic about the future.

I do miss my family, most especially Dylan (I hope that I can say that without any of my family members feeling any jealousy :) ), while I'm away, but I understand that it's part of it. But anyway, that's what the weekend's for! And I can actually look forward to Fridays again, again, something I haven't done in too long - looking forward to the weekend. Everyday was like a weekend. Now it's not, and I have priorities and responsibilities, which I've always had, but now it's gone up a notch.

Anyway, I'm freezing, and I'm gonna head home now (I'm at netopia). Update soon.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Enter, August

July has come and gone, and whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, I'm not at liberty to say. Or, I can just be honest and say, I have absolutely no idea what it is that I'm trying to say... I'm just trying to sound smart... Is it working?

Anyway, I've been on an Oasis search for months now. I would be referring to the band from Manchester, and not the things that you would find in the desert. Out of nowhere, I just got attached to their music. I've always liked Oasis but for some reason or another, I've never managed to buy myself a copy of any of their albums. And so, a few months ago, when my love for Oasis was awoken, I told myself that I would get their albums. All six of them (seven now that the new one came out). And anyway, they were already selling for half price. But then here's the thing, all of a sudden, now that I want them, they're nowhere to be found.

I have gone into every music store that I've seen, going straight to the O section, trying to find the albums, but they've just up and disappeared. I managed to find "The Master Plan", and I got "Heathen Chemistry", but everything else is just waiting to be found. "Don't Believe The Truth" came out two months ago, but I haven't been able to get it because it's the price of two CDs, which I can't afford right now. Two CDs, when I can barely afford one. Apparently, it's limited edition, and it comes with a DVD. But what if I don't want the DVD? What if I just want the CD and it's eleven songs? In that case, I'd be a hopeful dreamer.

Just two years ago, I saw them everywhere, and now they're gone. They couldn't've all been bought, they have to be somewhere. Anyway, I've already placed an order at Tower, and I'm hoping they'll get it for me. I have yet to be contacted. And I keep on going to their website, constantly checking their tour dates to see if they'll be coming over here for a show, maybe to make up for the one that they were supposed to have here two years ago, which I would've been at had it not been cancelled due to damn terrorist threats...

Ah, the life of a fanatic.

I haven't been watching movies in the theater for a while now because nothing really interested me, and then all of a sudden, I find myself seeing three movies in this past week alone. Not that that's a lot, but for me, it was surprising. I saw "The Fantastic Four", which I wouldn't have seen, but my friend wanted to see it for his own reasons (Jessica Alba...). And I think that it was one of the better marvel movies. And of course, Stan Lee and his cameos. Then I saw "Wedding Crashers", which I wouldn't have seen either, but I was with friends, and it was actually funny, surprisingly. And then just yesterday I saw "Stealth", which I only wanted to see because I knew that Incubus was on the soundtrack, and I wanted to hear how the music was incorporated into the movie, which was done fine. The movie itself was alright. As I've said before, still waiting for a really good flick from Hollywood.

Anyhow, that's it for now... be back with more of my weirdness soon.