Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Things That I Love

I think that it takes too much energy to be sad. Plus, it's much more fun to be happy. If you can find one thing to be happy about, then consider yourself lucky.

*Books- I love the stories that they tell, and the ability they have to take you to another place. How they have the power to make you feel all the emotions.

*Movies- It's a book with moving pictures!

*Music- Oh wow... where do I start? I cannot even begin to imagine a life without music. Music is something that I really love. It gives me something to be passionate about. There's different music for different moods, and it can make you feel so much.

*Pictures- There's no better way to preserve your memories.

*Sports- The intensity, the competitiveness, the dedication. The excitement it can get out of people.

*Food- Need I say more?

*Art- There is so much to love about art. I don't do art, I just like to look at it. Whether it's paintings, drawings, body art, any kind of art. It's self expression.

*Writing- It's art that I know how to do. Again, self expression.

*Laughter and Humor- Who doesn't love a good laugh? "A day without laughter is a day most wasted".

*Weather/Nature- Clouds are so beautiful. And rain. As long as you're not getting soaked under it, rain is good.

There's a lot to love and be happy about. So it should really take a lot to make you sad.

1 comment:

-t. said...

aww... how cute. very inspirational... =) i take it you're a very happy person?

about the LauGhter--- i think you've been watching a bit too much ETC. haha! =)rab you.