Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Things That I Love

I think that it takes too much energy to be sad. Plus, it's much more fun to be happy. If you can find one thing to be happy about, then consider yourself lucky.

*Books- I love the stories that they tell, and the ability they have to take you to another place. How they have the power to make you feel all the emotions.

*Movies- It's a book with moving pictures!

*Music- Oh wow... where do I start? I cannot even begin to imagine a life without music. Music is something that I really love. It gives me something to be passionate about. There's different music for different moods, and it can make you feel so much.

*Pictures- There's no better way to preserve your memories.

*Sports- The intensity, the competitiveness, the dedication. The excitement it can get out of people.

*Food- Need I say more?

*Art- There is so much to love about art. I don't do art, I just like to look at it. Whether it's paintings, drawings, body art, any kind of art. It's self expression.

*Writing- It's art that I know how to do. Again, self expression.

*Laughter and Humor- Who doesn't love a good laugh? "A day without laughter is a day most wasted".

*Weather/Nature- Clouds are so beautiful. And rain. As long as you're not getting soaked under it, rain is good.

There's a lot to love and be happy about. So it should really take a lot to make you sad.

Monday, August 23, 2004

My Movie Review

I just saw "The Stepford Wives" with my mom. In a word... it was weird. I dunno. The whole thing was just so weird.

Okay, so basically, they move to Stepford and everything is just perfect. Not the nice kind of perfect, the seriously strange type of perfect. And then they find out (don't worry, this won't ruin the movie for you if you haven't seen it yet), that the wives are actually robots, purposely made to be perfect for their husbands.

I'm sorry, I just can't get over how strange that flick was. It's probably one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen. So was it good? Eh... it was okay. But of course, that's just my opinion. Watch it if you want, and judge it for yourself. Or if you just want an excuse to see Nicole Kidman, who by the way, looks better as a blonde. Again, my opinion.

I guess the message they were trying to send out was that perfect isn't everything. And sometimes we think we want things to be perfect, but in truth, there's really no such thing.

We'd like to live in a "perfect" world, and that's what Stepford is. And so you see that, and then all of sudden, you want to get out, because it's all just too strange.

So yes, there's no such thing as perfect. Imagine if everything was? And it was exactly like Stepford? How boring. So if you think about it, we need controversy, drama, and imperfections to balance it all out for equilibrium.

So in a nutshell, when it comes down to it, not everything can be perfect. And sometimes, that's okay.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Concert Chaos

I was able to go to the Hoobastank concert last night. I wasn't sure what to expect since I don't know anything about them as live performers. I did hear a live version of their song on the radio a couple of times, and it was terrible. But then again, every live performance is different, which proved to be true, since last night was not terrible at all.

It was pretty good. The audience was hyped, and so was the band. I had fun eventhough I only knew five of their songs. Because the day I was gonna buy their album, it was sold out, and I just never got around to getting it after that, which I think I should have.

The first time I heard the song, "the reason", was on the internet, when Hoobastank was touring with Linkin Park, P.O.D and Story of The Year last January. And I remember, I loved it. And then all of a sudden, it gets released as a radio single, and they're playing it everywhere, up to the point that I just got so sick of it, which was sad because it's a good song. It just got super played out.

So a few weeks before the concert, I told myself that I didn't want to hear that song again until then (because, no duh, they'd play it). But it was kind of useless, cuz it seems as if there's just no escaping that song.

So, back to last night. Rivermaya opened for them, and they got the crowd warmed up, which is what they're supposed to do. So by the time their set is over, we're all amped, and we want to see Hoobastank. But that wouldn't happen for a while.

A DJ from a radio station calls up some contest winner to talk about how he got his free passes to the show. So all that energy that Rivermaya got out of us, was absolutely pointless. Because there he is, talking to what seemed like the most monotonous contest winner of all time, and we're bored all over again.

So finally, after all that, the lights go off, the entire place erupts, and Hoobastank starts to play. There was so much energy coming from all the fans, and it was so loud! Everybody's screaming at the top of their lungs, and if you are as well, you won't even be able to hear yourself.

I think they played for about an hour, but for some reason, it seemed like a lot longer. Maybe because, I didn't know the songs? =/ Of course, the girls went crazy when Doug took off his shirt... but hey, if you've got something to flaunt, then you might as well. =) haha!

All in all, it was great, and I had a lot of fun. There really is nothing quite like a live show. And I love it! =) i can't wait until the next one.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


I am now the proud owner of "White Fluffly Clouds", a book by Brandon Boyd. Some of you may be more familiar with him if referred to as "the lead singer of Incubus". Aside from being a singer/songwriter (and a good one, I might add), Brandon is also a very talented artist.

Unfortunately, not too many people know this about him because a lot of the time (again, unfortunately), they're too caught up in his "hottness" to know anything else about him. I don't mean for that to be offensive, it's just true a lot of the time.

The book showcases his amazing art, pictures that he's taken, thoughts, and "psycho babble", among other things. Amazing is really the only word I can think of to describe it. It's really different from anything I've seen, and in that sense, I really like it. It's just really... out there, and it's so refreshing to see some variety, especially nowadays, when it feels as if everything's been done.

That's the book cover. And that drawing, in particular, is one of my personal favorites. The whole book is just so inspiring, I can only wish that I could draw like that, if I could draw at all.

And speaking of inspirations, you can only wonder what was going through Brandon's head while he was drawing all of that. I seriously just want to sit down with him and ask him all about the book, and what the drawings represent to him.

If you're into art, and you're all for diversity, then I suggest you check it out. *A HUGE thank you to Monica for providing me with my copy. =) Also, check out for a better preview.

Brandon Boyd, is truly gifted.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Battle For The Moonman

The MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) is fast approaching. Voting for the Viewers Choice Award is getting intense.

I think voting started this month, and there were a lot of nominees in the running. This is the only award that is voted for by the fans, so supposedly, it's one of the most important awards of the night, I guess in the sense that they find out who has the most dedicated fanbase. Or in other words, the best fans in the world!

It's in the third round now (out of four), and there are only ten artists left. Linkin Park being one of them. (Incubus was nominated too, and I voted for them, but they kinda didn't make it =/) It's a head to head competition. It's a versus kind of thing. Right now, it's Linkin Park VS Evanescence. In the past two rounds they went against Kelis and I forgot the other one...

It's tough competition, and both sides (of fans) want their band to win. So everybody's voting like crazy (I've only voted for them three times though). Obviously, it's a battle and they want to know who's got the better fans. In a way, that sounds kinda mean (and not to mention, a little scary), but that's how it is. Only one band makes it to the final round.

The LPU has over 60,000 members. I'm not gonna say anything, cuz I don't want to jinx it... but yea, I want them to win. I have nothing against Evanescence, but I'm on LP's side... duh!

You should see some of the messages posted about it on both band's message boards. The other wants very badly to kick the other's ass. I guess we'll have to wait and see. =)

Go here to vote... This round ends on August 16.

*That was the FANATIC coming out of me...

Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Has anybody heard of Story Of The Year? They're my newest music fixation. The first time I heard "Anthem Of Our Dying Day", I was hooked. That song was stuck in my head for over 24 hours. And the thing was, I didn't really know the words to the song yet, so only that one part kept playing over and over in my head.

"From up here, the city lights burn, like a thousand miles of fire"

I know a lot more of the song now though. =) I wanna get their album. CDs are kinda expensive though, and unfortunately for me, my CD wants list is pretty long. =/

And you know what I realised a few days ago? I know how to sing our National Anthem, but I have absolutely no idea what it translates to. I tried, but it's just hopeless. If I had to translate that to save my life, I'd most definitely die. Isn't that just wrong?

Yea, I sorta didn't have a topic, but I thought I should write. Oh, here's a boring topic for you...

I like Formula One. I know that a lot of people (Thea) think that this is the most boring thing in the world, and would rather not read about it. You don't have to read it, but I want to write about it.

I will actually have to agree with my sister, that yes, it's boring. This season, at least. The same guy has won all the races except one since the season started. There's nothing exciting about that. It's SO boring. Last season was so much better, and I'm hoping that next season is better too.

Michael Schumacher. Five times World Champion, going for his sixth. I definitely respect the guy, but could he please stop winning some time soon?

I'm actually for his younger brother Ralf, but he crashed into a concrete wall at 190mph at the Indianapolis Grand Prix, which gave him a concussion (his second in the span of a year), so he's not allowed to drive for a few months, most probably for the rest of the season. What's worse, he practically demoted himself by moving to Toyota for next year.

So both my BMW drivers are switching teams, but two quite respectable ones are taking over. Nearly everybody's switching teams actually, so there's a huge driver shuffle. Hopefully it will result in a more exciting 2005 season.

Okay, I'm done. =)

Monday, August 09, 2004

Senior Year

Summer break's over and the school year starts today. Senior year, the last leg of high school. Except... I'm not there. I'm supposed to be graduating in June, next year, but I haven't even started high school.

Three years of being out of school has taught me so much. It's involved a lot of mixed feelings. A lot of anger and denial, I admit, in the earlier years, but I'm okay now. It's definitely been disappointing, but I know now that it's all for the better.

If I hadn't had to stop school, sure, I'd be graduating next year, but as what? When I was in school, I hardly paid attention, rushed my homework, never went to tutorials, did everything wrong. I think I would've died, and the four years in high school would've been a huge waste. During all that time, I should've been doing the opposite. And again, I know that NOW.

Two years ago, I was really concerned about having to go back and be the oldest person in the grade. But now, I don't really care. I think I've grown so much, and learned so much, that my perspective on everything's just changed. And I'm really glad that it has.

Pay attention, do my homework... WELL, ask for help. It's easier said than done. In a way, I'm really scared to put that to the test. I think I've been out of school for so long, that I've forgotten what it's like. I know what I have to do, but the hard part is finding out whether I can do it or not.

Some people might look at my three year "break" as unfortunate. But really, I think that it might be one of the best things that's ever happened to me.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Friends Forever

Is there even such a thing? I've been thinking about it, and it seems as if there really isn't. When you say that to someone (with all honesty), chances are, you're young (and most probably a girl). I guess, what it is, is just a hopeful wish. A wish that you will stay friends forever. But how often does that actually happen?

As a person who likes to believe in good things like happy endings, I'd also like to believe that you can count on "friends forever". But unfortunately, like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (you'd like to think it's there, but it's really not), it doesn't exist. It's possible, yea, but it would take a lot of hard work coming from both ends, and in this day and age, most people prefer things to be easy, and as simple as it can get. Which in my opinion, is a huge pity.

I've lost contact with so many people that I used to know, and I thought we'd know each other for the rest of our lives. But I was young, and I didn't realise how important keeping in touch was. And even if we did keep in touch, would we still be friends a couple of years down the line?

People grow up, and they change. If you were friends with someone when you were ten, even if you guys are together during the time in between, you might not be friends when you're twenty. Common interests will change, sometimes up to the point that you can't relate to each other anymore, and it breaks the friendship apart, because you yourselves have grown apart.

I'm not saying that all friendships are going to suffer that fate, I'm just saying that a lot of the time, that's how it is. Change is inevitable. Maintaining a friendship is a lot of hard work, and sadly, a lot of people aren't up to it.

It's not often that we find friends that we'd like to keep. You don't find real friends everyday either. That is a rarity and a privilege to have. So if you've got a friend or friends worth keeping, I suggest you work hard and do your part to keep the friendship going.

And keep in touch! It's the year 2004, with all the technology, there's really no excuse. A simple text message, a phone call, an e-mail. You don't need to be a genious to work any of them.

Most of the time, we take things for granted and think it's not important, but it is. Friends can define who you are or who you will be in the future. They can play a really huge role in your life. So I guess how long "friends forever" lasts, is really up to you.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Behind The Music

A few nights ago, I saw Behind The Music on VH1, and it was on Britney Spears. And it was really interesting. I'm not a fan of her music, but I do think that she's an amazing dancer, and I definitely respect what she does. I think even more so, after seeing that show.

Ever since she came out, her name has been in the tabloids constantly. She has gotten so big, that everybody knows who she is. Whether you love or hate her, you know her name. I think that you'd be weird if you didn't know who Britney Spears was.

On the show, someone was saying (and I totally agree), that just because she's in the lime light all the time, people think that they deserve to be nosy, and that they deserve to know every single detail that's going on in her life. They feel that they need to comment and judge her on everything she does.

And why is that? Why is it that people care so much about who she's dating, or what she's wearing, or whether she's had surgery or not? Not just Britney even, pretty much all celebrities.

One of the biggest issues with her, was whether she'd had a boob job done or not. I don't think she did. She was 16? when she first started out, and she's 20 something now. Isn't it possible that she just "bloomed"? I mean, it happens. Just because her breasts got bigger, why do we have to automatically think that it was a boob job? Maybe she did, but why should we even care? It's HER boobs...

So many girls out there wish they could be her, because there are so many things about her that you'd want to be. The only aspect of her life that can't be envied, is her lack of privacy.

I think that there are things, certain information, that people and fans are privileged to know. Like tour dates, publicity appearances, when they start recording their albums, when it comes out, future projects. You know, things like that. Yea, it sounds boring, and the controversial topics are way more interesting, but really, it's none of our business.

I guess sometimes we forget that they're human too, just like us. They just have a better job. =) And it is a JOB. They work hard for what they do.

So there. I can't believe I have an entire entry about Britney Spears... I weird myself out.