Usually, at this time of the year, I'll usually have some super pensive moment, and just reflect on the year that's passed, and just write about it. I have to say though, that I haven't had any time to just sit by myself to think and write. I think I have a lot to say about this year. Should I just write about it now, off the top of my head?
Well, this year was a pretty hard one, not just for myself but for my family, I think it's safe to say. It was difficult, but at the same time, I think that it was a pretty good year for us as well. Speaking for myself, it was a huge learning year for me. There were a few moments of disappointment but also so many good times.
I've had a lot of time to think about everything, my past, my present and my very important future. I think that I've changed a lot this year. Call me vain, but I think that they were all positive changes and all for the better. At least, I hope so. I found out a lot about myself and who I was, again, ever changing.
At the end of tomorrow, this year will be over, and 2005 makes it's entrance. But this year, 2004 will be one of the most memorable years of my life. It could even possibly be the best year that I've ever experienced.
February 21 2004, I went to my very first concert ever, and it rocked. I had my first taste of what being a part of a live audience was, I felt the excitement of seeing someone that before then I had only heard through the speakers of my stereo, or seen through the TV screen. Thank you Jason Mraz for making my first concert experience one that will always be imbedded in my mind.
March 12 2004, three days before my birthday, I went and saw one of the best bands in the world, at least, to me. I was really far from the stage, and I didn't have my glasses yet, so they were a blur of a dot, but I could hear them perfectly and despite the distance, I loved every second of it. How I wish I could've met them that night. Incubus rocks my world.
May 4th, 2004. The birth of my nephew Dylan Matthew Miguel Arvisu. The joy of my family, the love of my sister's life, the happiest baby you will ever meet. He's growing up so fast, and he never ceases to amaze me and he always makes me smile no matter how down I might be. Loving him comes so easily, and I love him so much. I could go on and on about him.
June 12 2004 (I think), free concert! But it was someone I liked, and I was glad to see him perform, and to hear his songs. He really is talented. I got his autograph after the show. Ben Jelen. I doubt you've heard of him, but he's pretty good, go check him out.
June 15 2004. Now this is truly a night that I will forever remember, and think about and talk about for as long as I love them and even after that. Linkin Park, live in Manila. Need I say more? I met them that night, all six of them, shook their hands, said hello, got their autographs, was a complete and totally dorky fanatic, saw them perform live, was part of the wildest mosh pit ever, unbelievable. Even now, I can't believe that they were actually just inches in front of me a table between us, that I actually did meet them however brief it was. Truly an amazing night.
August 17 2004. I saw Hoobastank live in Manila. Concert number five. That was cool, I think I have an entry about it. I just feel really lucky to have been able to see them perform, cuz I am a fan. Maybe not a hardcore one, but I like their music and that's all there is to it.
October something 2004. I went to see her with my sister, and we had the worst seats in the house, but it was a lot of fun because I was with Thea. We heard her fine though, it was great. Alicia Keys.
After seeing all those people perform live, I just look back and just know how lucky I really am. I loved all of them so much more after experiencing the live show. I have so much respect for them for being able to do what they do. For a certain two, I thought I loved them as much as I could, and after their concerts, I realised that I could love them even more. It's insane.
So those were probably the key events of this year. And again, I cannot stress enough how lucky I know I am despite hardships and trouble. I have an amazing family that I absolutely love, and that's all I need to get through anything. So as long as we're together and the love for each other is there, then I think we're okay.
I really look forward to next year. I'm looking forward to it being even better than this year. I'm prepared for more change, positive changes to be exact. There's a lot of anticipation, I think, but I'll just take it day by day, and not get too ahead of myself. Take it as it comes, and hope for the best. Let's see what happens.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Read Me
I was experimenting with my blog just now, and I added a chat box over on the side bar. I got it to work, but then decided that I didn't want it there. It just looked off, maybe I did something wrong, but either way, I changed my mind and decided not to put it there.
This morning, I went to Makati to meet up with a friend. It was the earliest that I had ever been out in a really long time. I was out of the house at 9:30 in the morning so that I could meet up with her thirty minutes later, and I was really okay with it. I didn't mind waking up early to go out at all. I think, if anything, I needed it.
I took the train to get there and to get home, all by myself (yay =P). I met up with Sian who I met through the LPU. I first met her in person back in June while we were waiting to meet Linkin Park, and then we met up again at the Hoobastank concert in August. This morning, we did some Collision Course promoting in the mall. The first person we saw was actually a friend of mine who was in fact a Linkin Park fan, and he said that the album rocked. We gave him two stickers.
It was fun, going up to random people asking if they liked LP, telling them about the mash up, giving them stickers. Sian actually went up to one guy, but he said that he liked Usher. No sticker for him. So it was cool, I hadn't done that before and it was fun.
Most of my friends are into hip hop and generally, our musical taste clashes, so when I'm with my friends, I don't talk about LP too much because they aren't interested in that topic, so it's nice to have a different set of people and friends that I can actually have Linkin Park conversations with if I wanted.
So there. Now I'm just hanging out, pretty much. There's not a lot going on online right now though.
This morning, I went to Makati to meet up with a friend. It was the earliest that I had ever been out in a really long time. I was out of the house at 9:30 in the morning so that I could meet up with her thirty minutes later, and I was really okay with it. I didn't mind waking up early to go out at all. I think, if anything, I needed it.
I took the train to get there and to get home, all by myself (yay =P). I met up with Sian who I met through the LPU. I first met her in person back in June while we were waiting to meet Linkin Park, and then we met up again at the Hoobastank concert in August. This morning, we did some Collision Course promoting in the mall. The first person we saw was actually a friend of mine who was in fact a Linkin Park fan, and he said that the album rocked. We gave him two stickers.
It was fun, going up to random people asking if they liked LP, telling them about the mash up, giving them stickers. Sian actually went up to one guy, but he said that he liked Usher. No sticker for him. So it was cool, I hadn't done that before and it was fun.
Most of my friends are into hip hop and generally, our musical taste clashes, so when I'm with my friends, I don't talk about LP too much because they aren't interested in that topic, so it's nice to have a different set of people and friends that I can actually have Linkin Park conversations with if I wanted.
So there. Now I'm just hanging out, pretty much. There's not a lot going on online right now though.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Several Topics
I'm back home in Manila, we got back this afternoon. I was listening to the radio from my cell phone on the bus. I have pre-sets, so I just keep clicking until I find something decent to listen to. So on our way home, I'm clicking through the stations, and I stop at one cuz they're playing Numb/Encore by Linkin Park and Jay-Z. And after that song the DJ says that he wants to say hi to Ella and someone else (I couldn't make it out), and I immediately thought of Ella from the LPU, and it turns out that it was her, and our friend Sian. They were promoting Collision Course. That was pretty cool.
I was just at the department store looking for a Christmas present for Dylan, the last person on my list. And the amount of people there was just crazy. Even just getting there, going through the mall was such a hassle because of the crowds. I walk pretty fast as my normal pace, so I usually get caught up behind people taking their sweet time, and I usually end up getting pissed because of how incredibly slow they're walking. But with the reagular crowd being doubled this time of the year, I knew that I couldn't get mad, because it wouldn't do me any good. So I walked considerably slower than usual and just told myself to be patient and to just chill out, and thankfully, it payed off.
So, I got through that. After, my mom was hungry and she wanted to go to McDonlad's for a burger. It was the first time I've eaten an actual "meal" there since I saw "Super Size Me". And I don't know why, whether I just wasn't really that hungry, or if the documentary was affecting my brain, or whatever, but the food just didn't taste as good as it used to. Weird.
Well, that's it for now. Be back with something else some other time.
I was just at the department store looking for a Christmas present for Dylan, the last person on my list. And the amount of people there was just crazy. Even just getting there, going through the mall was such a hassle because of the crowds. I walk pretty fast as my normal pace, so I usually get caught up behind people taking their sweet time, and I usually end up getting pissed because of how incredibly slow they're walking. But with the reagular crowd being doubled this time of the year, I knew that I couldn't get mad, because it wouldn't do me any good. So I walked considerably slower than usual and just told myself to be patient and to just chill out, and thankfully, it payed off.
So, I got through that. After, my mom was hungry and she wanted to go to McDonlad's for a burger. It was the first time I've eaten an actual "meal" there since I saw "Super Size Me". And I don't know why, whether I just wasn't really that hungry, or if the documentary was affecting my brain, or whatever, but the food just didn't taste as good as it used to. Weird.
Well, that's it for now. Be back with something else some other time.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Can't Think of a Title
I'm here in Laguna, visiting yet again. I'm at a mall right now, at an internet cafe. On our way here, (to Laguna, not to the mall) we take a bus. But unfortunately, the bus we usually take, we missed by seconds, literally, so we had to go over to the other bus terminal. In order to do that, we had to cross a really wide road, at least ten lanes of oncoming traffic without getting killed, and lucky for us, we did that pretty successfully. It wasn't jay walking, there was just a lack of pedestrian crossing lanes, or whatever it's called. Really, there were cops, and they didn't arrest us or anything. Ten lanes of maniacal drivers...
Other than that, I'm sorry to say, I have nothing else to talk about, I just thought I should update, or something. Unless you wouldn't mind me talking about Christmas, and how it doesn't feel like it at all. Well, you don't really have a choice, do you? As to seeing that it's my blog. So here I go, babble on!
Well, Christmas is about a week away, and the "spirit" is nowhere to be found. Honestly though, I'm okay with it. In the past, Christmas was always about the presents, and I can honestly say that I wouldn't mind if I didn't get anything this year. Really, all I want is for the family to be together, and I'm also looking forward to the food, because Holiday food never fails to impress.
Wow, I lost my train of thought. I'ma dork!
Other than that, I'm sorry to say, I have nothing else to talk about, I just thought I should update, or something. Unless you wouldn't mind me talking about Christmas, and how it doesn't feel like it at all. Well, you don't really have a choice, do you? As to seeing that it's my blog. So here I go, babble on!
Well, Christmas is about a week away, and the "spirit" is nowhere to be found. Honestly though, I'm okay with it. In the past, Christmas was always about the presents, and I can honestly say that I wouldn't mind if I didn't get anything this year. Really, all I want is for the family to be together, and I'm also looking forward to the food, because Holiday food never fails to impress.
Wow, I lost my train of thought. I'ma dork!
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Hello, my name is Aica, and I am an addict. Blame it all on my sister, she introduced it to me and got me hooked. Although she did warn me that it would be addictive, I went ahead with it anyway. I know what you're most probably thinking, and I can tell you right now, that it's not what you think. I have become addicted... to the art of jewellery making.
Thea's been making them for a while, it's been months now. She'd usually make them at Mars's house and so I'd never see her actually make them, all I saw were the finished products. She now stays with us during the week, so she decided to bring all the stuff with her and make them at home where she actually has the time to make them.
So, a few days ago, I go into the room and she's at it, making jewellery, and I'm there simply to observe. That is until she asks me if I'd like to make something. So I agree since it looks interesting, and besides, I had nothing to do anyway. I'm a really fast learner, so she only had to teach me once, and I was off.
In a few minutes, I had made my first pair of earrings. After an hour, I had made about a lot. My room is now littered with earrings, litterally hanging from any place possible. Yes, I was hooked, and I just kept making them and making them until I had run out of ideas or more likely, run out of energy.
I have so many now, it's crazy. I now have a pair to match every single outfit I have or ever will have from now until the rest of my life. Or, more believeably, until they go out of style. But honestly, even when that day comes, I'll probably still be wearing them.
There's a really good sense of accomplishment from being able to make something myself, even more so something I can actually use, everyday if I wanted, so I feel good. Now, it just seems dumb to go out and buy jewellery at what I now realise are pretty expensive prices. I like being able to do something productive with my time, and something fun at that, and inexpensive (one of the best parts). Something that keeps the boredom from seeping in is more than welcome.
Last night, there I was, making even more earrings, and then all of a sudden, I realised that we were out of hooks. What a crisis! Well, I took it as a sign that I had probably made enough earrings (at least, for now), and that I should now make more necklaces and bracelets to match the number of earrings. Which I am actually doing.
It's unbelievable the amount that I've made in just three days. Some of the ones I've made, I'm pretty attached to and am so proud of, and then there are also some that I'm not embarassed to admit, are just plain ugly. My problem now is that I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to keep them all...
Thea's been making them for a while, it's been months now. She'd usually make them at Mars's house and so I'd never see her actually make them, all I saw were the finished products. She now stays with us during the week, so she decided to bring all the stuff with her and make them at home where she actually has the time to make them.
So, a few days ago, I go into the room and she's at it, making jewellery, and I'm there simply to observe. That is until she asks me if I'd like to make something. So I agree since it looks interesting, and besides, I had nothing to do anyway. I'm a really fast learner, so she only had to teach me once, and I was off.
In a few minutes, I had made my first pair of earrings. After an hour, I had made about a lot. My room is now littered with earrings, litterally hanging from any place possible. Yes, I was hooked, and I just kept making them and making them until I had run out of ideas or more likely, run out of energy.
I have so many now, it's crazy. I now have a pair to match every single outfit I have or ever will have from now until the rest of my life. Or, more believeably, until they go out of style. But honestly, even when that day comes, I'll probably still be wearing them.
There's a really good sense of accomplishment from being able to make something myself, even more so something I can actually use, everyday if I wanted, so I feel good. Now, it just seems dumb to go out and buy jewellery at what I now realise are pretty expensive prices. I like being able to do something productive with my time, and something fun at that, and inexpensive (one of the best parts). Something that keeps the boredom from seeping in is more than welcome.
Last night, there I was, making even more earrings, and then all of a sudden, I realised that we were out of hooks. What a crisis! Well, I took it as a sign that I had probably made enough earrings (at least, for now), and that I should now make more necklaces and bracelets to match the number of earrings. Which I am actually doing.
It's unbelievable the amount that I've made in just three days. Some of the ones I've made, I'm pretty attached to and am so proud of, and then there are also some that I'm not embarassed to admit, are just plain ugly. My problem now is that I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to keep them all...
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
HTML huh?
With the help of the internet and of my sister, I have been able to change something on this page. No, it's definitely nothing big, but it's something, and it's a start. If you would just look over to the right hand side bar, you might notice that I've succesfully added some links. WoOhOo!!! Yea, for some people, it's no big whoop, but for me, I'm ecstatic.
For one thing, I've never really been any good with computers, so every little thing counts. The computer has it's own language, and for someone like myself, it's not easy to understand. HTML is one thing, something that I'm trying to tackle. It's actually simple, but at the same time it can be very complicated. The formula or codes or whatever are kinda easy, but it's the application part that I'm confused with. I have what to put in, but I don't know where, and what else.
So there, I'm slowly learning, hopefully, it'll progress, and I'll understand it and get the hang of it some time. But for now, I need to learn more... Don't expect anything big, I'm going through this little by little.
For one thing, I've never really been any good with computers, so every little thing counts. The computer has it's own language, and for someone like myself, it's not easy to understand. HTML is one thing, something that I'm trying to tackle. It's actually simple, but at the same time it can be very complicated. The formula or codes or whatever are kinda easy, but it's the application part that I'm confused with. I have what to put in, but I don't know where, and what else.
So there, I'm slowly learning, hopefully, it'll progress, and I'll understand it and get the hang of it some time. But for now, I need to learn more... Don't expect anything big, I'm going through this little by little.
Friday, December 10, 2004
I said that I'd improve my blog appearance, but as you can most probably see, nothing has changed or improved. That's my bad... I'm just too lazy. Oh no! And really, without a book to help me out, I doubt I'll get far. I guess I'm just spoiled like that. To need a book in order for me to start.
Anyways, myspace sucks right now. It has so many bugs that it needs to work out, it's just completely annoying. I was gonna work on my profile page today, but nothing would load, there were always errors, and honestly, I just couldn't bother. So it's the same profile page until it fixes itself up. Do you want to see it? there it is! It's so funny though, on my blog there, I complain about this site, and over here, I complain about that site. Complain complain complain... There wouldn't be anything to complain about if they'd just fix it. Ha!
Anyhows... The twenty fifth day is fast approaching, only two weeks away. This month is flying by. I'm excited to see my brother's reaction to what I got him. It's a pretty big present, so I had a bit of a time wrapping it up. I didn't have two of the same wrappers, so I had to use two different ones, and it looks so funny. But he's just gonna rip it off anyways, so it doesn't really matter. I'm thinking of being really mean and not putting it under the tree until the last possible moment.
I also want to see my dad's reaction to the present my sister and I got him. If you're reading this daddy, just know that you need it. haha. Well, there are two presents, but I'm talking about the one that smells nice. =)
I should go now, I'm just being weird.
Anyways, myspace sucks right now. It has so many bugs that it needs to work out, it's just completely annoying. I was gonna work on my profile page today, but nothing would load, there were always errors, and honestly, I just couldn't bother. So it's the same profile page until it fixes itself up. Do you want to see it? there it is! It's so funny though, on my blog there, I complain about this site, and over here, I complain about that site. Complain complain complain... There wouldn't be anything to complain about if they'd just fix it. Ha!
Anyhows... The twenty fifth day is fast approaching, only two weeks away. This month is flying by. I'm excited to see my brother's reaction to what I got him. It's a pretty big present, so I had a bit of a time wrapping it up. I didn't have two of the same wrappers, so I had to use two different ones, and it looks so funny. But he's just gonna rip it off anyways, so it doesn't really matter. I'm thinking of being really mean and not putting it under the tree until the last possible moment.
I also want to see my dad's reaction to the present my sister and I got him. If you're reading this daddy, just know that you need it. haha. Well, there are two presents, but I'm talking about the one that smells nice. =)
I should go now, I'm just being weird.
Monday, December 06, 2004
I'm Freezing Cold!
I'm at an internet cafe right now, and it's freezing cold. I think it's because I'm sitting right beneath the vent. So, sucks for me. I knew I should've brought a jacket or a sweater or something like that.
We set up the Christmas tree yesterday afternoon. It's officially the earliest we have ever set it up. The reason being, that my mom doesn't have much time during the week with Dylan around, so yesterday was really the only time she could do it because the coming weekends are pretty booked too.
It looks pretty, except we haven't decorated it yet, because I'm waiting for my sister to get home (which is tonight), because I know she wants to decorate it. I think she enjoys it more than I do, which is pretty funny considering that she's older than me... haha =)
Also, we wanted to set it up early this year mainly for Dylan. It's his first Christmas, and I know that he'll get a major kick out of the lights. So we're all looking forward to his reaction.
So yea, just waiting for them to come home. It's incredible how much I miss them already, and it's only been about three days.
We set up the Christmas tree yesterday afternoon. It's officially the earliest we have ever set it up. The reason being, that my mom doesn't have much time during the week with Dylan around, so yesterday was really the only time she could do it because the coming weekends are pretty booked too.
It looks pretty, except we haven't decorated it yet, because I'm waiting for my sister to get home (which is tonight), because I know she wants to decorate it. I think she enjoys it more than I do, which is pretty funny considering that she's older than me... haha =)
Also, we wanted to set it up early this year mainly for Dylan. It's his first Christmas, and I know that he'll get a major kick out of the lights. So we're all looking forward to his reaction.
So yea, just waiting for them to come home. It's incredible how much I miss them already, and it's only been about three days.
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Holy Hell
This thing has gone haywire, and has just completely messed itself up. I didn't even do anything. My recent posts won't display, and my archive has disappeared, and being me, I have absolutely no idea how to fix it. Sucks... Damn it... now what?
Okay, all of a sudden it's fixed but my last entry is gone... Dude... stop confusing me! I'm so not in the mood right now...
Okay, all of a sudden it's fixed but my last entry is gone... Dude... stop confusing me! I'm so not in the mood right now...
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
I'm About to Be Legal
I'm turning eighteen in a few months. For the past few years, I've been pretty laid back and just kept the birthday celebrations on the down low. Mostly because I didn't really want to celebrate much. But next year, I want to really do something. At least... something more than what I've done during the past couple of birthdays.
I don't have any ideas as of now, I've actually never had any "birthday ideas". Would it be dumb of me to procrastinate the planning, or should I bust my brain thinking of what to do?
I don't want something big though, just simple. I guess if my friends are there, and we've got lots and lots of good food and good music, I'm good to go. The thing with me though, is that I would much rather stay at home than go out to a club and party. Yea, I'm a homebody, whereas my friends choose to live the party life.
But I guess I will think of something. I've got time.
I don't have any ideas as of now, I've actually never had any "birthday ideas". Would it be dumb of me to procrastinate the planning, or should I bust my brain thinking of what to do?
I don't want something big though, just simple. I guess if my friends are there, and we've got lots and lots of good food and good music, I'm good to go. The thing with me though, is that I would much rather stay at home than go out to a club and party. Yea, I'm a homebody, whereas my friends choose to live the party life.
But I guess I will think of something. I've got time.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
My Roots
I just spent the weekend in Laguna visiting my relatives. The last time I went, I decided not to bring a book, and had immediately wished that I did the moment I got there. So this time, I brought a book, and guess what? I didn't read it at all.
I don't really do much when I'm there. The whole idea of going is to actually spend time with them, which I don't get to do. Because it's hard for me to communicate with them because they speak tagalog (filipino), and I absolutely suck at it. If I even try, it'll come out as absolute nonsense.
Growing up, I'm pretty sure I was fluent in it, or something to that extent. And then I think International School just slowly sucked it out of me. I was always speaking in English, that my Filipino just dissipated. Even when it comes to tv, when my dad's watching the news (in filipino), the words go into my head and gets translated into english. Seriously. So, I understand it when it's spoken, and yea, I can speak it, just not well.
And that's probably one, if not the only reason that I'm not close to my relatives. I wish I were, but it's just not like that. I've always wanted to be close to my grandparents (I only have grandmothers now), but it's never happened.
The last time I was alone with my lola (grandmother on my mom's side), she asked me about religion and why I didn't go to church. That side of the family is very religious, but when it comes to my family, we're not. At least for me, I believe in God and prayer, but I don't feel the need to practice a religion. My belief in God is enough for me.
So that's another thing.I see my cousins being close to her and to my other relatives (on that side), and I think they're close because they share the same beliefs and lifestyle among other things, which I don't share with them. My siblings and I were raised differently from my cousins, so yea, we're just different.
It's sad in some ways, but I wouldn't change how I was brought up, because I like how I am, and how we are as a family. I respect them as well as their lifestyle, but I cannot imagine myself living that way. I can't have everything, so that's how it's got to be.
I sort of lost my train of thought though, so I have to end it here.
I don't really do much when I'm there. The whole idea of going is to actually spend time with them, which I don't get to do. Because it's hard for me to communicate with them because they speak tagalog (filipino), and I absolutely suck at it. If I even try, it'll come out as absolute nonsense.
Growing up, I'm pretty sure I was fluent in it, or something to that extent. And then I think International School just slowly sucked it out of me. I was always speaking in English, that my Filipino just dissipated. Even when it comes to tv, when my dad's watching the news (in filipino), the words go into my head and gets translated into english. Seriously. So, I understand it when it's spoken, and yea, I can speak it, just not well.
And that's probably one, if not the only reason that I'm not close to my relatives. I wish I were, but it's just not like that. I've always wanted to be close to my grandparents (I only have grandmothers now), but it's never happened.
The last time I was alone with my lola (grandmother on my mom's side), she asked me about religion and why I didn't go to church. That side of the family is very religious, but when it comes to my family, we're not. At least for me, I believe in God and prayer, but I don't feel the need to practice a religion. My belief in God is enough for me.
So that's another thing.I see my cousins being close to her and to my other relatives (on that side), and I think they're close because they share the same beliefs and lifestyle among other things, which I don't share with them. My siblings and I were raised differently from my cousins, so yea, we're just different.
It's sad in some ways, but I wouldn't change how I was brought up, because I like how I am, and how we are as a family. I respect them as well as their lifestyle, but I cannot imagine myself living that way. I can't have everything, so that's how it's got to be.
I sort of lost my train of thought though, so I have to end it here.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
This morning, the funniest, and most embarassing thing happened to me. I woke up bright and early (thanks to my sister), therefore I lacked sleep, and my brain was only half working. Sadly though, none of that contributed to what happened next. Half asleep, or fully awake, I would've done it, and I did.
Twice a week (for the past five years), someone comes over to the house and does our laundry. Her name is Paz. She's a small woman, short and stout (much like the teapot). I'm not trying to be mean! I'm simply trying to put a picture in your head. So anyways, I guess you don't need to know much more about her.
So! This morning, I was in my room with my sister and my brother, we were playing with baby Dylan, and the door's wide open. The bathroom's down the hall, and I see Paz pass by, and I hear the bathroom door close.
A couple of minutes later, I'm totally caught up in Dylan, and I hear footsteps coming down the hall. I pick up one of my brother's toy guns, aim it at the door, and yell "POW!!!" thinking that it was my dad. Imagine my surprise and complete embarassment when I see that it's a lady in a red house dress, staring at me, like I'm psycho.
Oh my God... she walked away, and I immediately burst out laughing, although I was completely embarassed. If you're not laughing at me or at the story, well I guess that it's just a whole lot funnier when you're there, as most things are. But Thea and I could not stop laughing our heads off (even now I'm cracking up just recounting the memory of this morning), because it was just too funny!
Count on me to embarass myself, because I do that a lot.
Twice a week (for the past five years), someone comes over to the house and does our laundry. Her name is Paz. She's a small woman, short and stout (much like the teapot). I'm not trying to be mean! I'm simply trying to put a picture in your head. So anyways, I guess you don't need to know much more about her.
So! This morning, I was in my room with my sister and my brother, we were playing with baby Dylan, and the door's wide open. The bathroom's down the hall, and I see Paz pass by, and I hear the bathroom door close.
A couple of minutes later, I'm totally caught up in Dylan, and I hear footsteps coming down the hall. I pick up one of my brother's toy guns, aim it at the door, and yell "POW!!!" thinking that it was my dad. Imagine my surprise and complete embarassment when I see that it's a lady in a red house dress, staring at me, like I'm psycho.
Oh my God... she walked away, and I immediately burst out laughing, although I was completely embarassed. If you're not laughing at me or at the story, well I guess that it's just a whole lot funnier when you're there, as most things are. But Thea and I could not stop laughing our heads off (even now I'm cracking up just recounting the memory of this morning), because it was just too funny!
Count on me to embarass myself, because I do that a lot.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Yesterday, I almost got hit by a car. Usually, when I cross the street, I look both ways, all the time, even on a one way street. But yesterday, for some weird reason, I guess I just spaced out, that I forgot, and the car stopped inches (literally) from me.
Also, the mall crowds are nauseating. It's bad enough during the weekends, but now, it's the regular weekend crowds mixed with the Christmas shoppers. They're hardly polite too. They'll bump into you and act as if it didn't happen. Sometimes, I swear I just want to push them back.
Good news, I've done more than half of my Christmas shopping. This is now officially the earliest that I've ever done my gift buying. Which is a very good thing. The fact that I have it over and done with this early, makes me feel very elated. And I won't have to mix with the pre Christmas rush and the procrastinators who leave it until the last possible minute (myself in the previous years) to get it done.
I've only got my older siblings to shop for, and I know what to get for my brother, but my sister on the other hand... She's gonna make me fry my brain. It's so weird because we're super close, and I have absolutely no idea what to give her. But I will think of something sooner or later. Hopefully, it's sooner.
Also, the mall crowds are nauseating. It's bad enough during the weekends, but now, it's the regular weekend crowds mixed with the Christmas shoppers. They're hardly polite too. They'll bump into you and act as if it didn't happen. Sometimes, I swear I just want to push them back.
Good news, I've done more than half of my Christmas shopping. This is now officially the earliest that I've ever done my gift buying. Which is a very good thing. The fact that I have it over and done with this early, makes me feel very elated. And I won't have to mix with the pre Christmas rush and the procrastinators who leave it until the last possible minute (myself in the previous years) to get it done.
I've only got my older siblings to shop for, and I know what to get for my brother, but my sister on the other hand... She's gonna make me fry my brain. It's so weird because we're super close, and I have absolutely no idea what to give her. But I will think of something sooner or later. Hopefully, it's sooner.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Memories... Or Lack Thereof
The other day, I was cleaning up my room, and while I was cleaning up my closet (which was cluttered to the max), I found a box of memories. When I opened it, right on top, was my sixth grade class picture, which now has permanent dust stains, unfortunately. It was on top of a whole load of letters my friends and I would give each other for fun in the seventh grade (whole different class, whole different city). It was seriously my past, in a box.
So after I was done cleaning up, I sat down on my bed and went through the letters, and read them all one by one. What completely sucks is that in the letters, my friends would talk about a certain something, like, "sorry about what happened yesterday", "we're gonna have so much fun later", "I'll tell you something super important in a while", and the reason it sucks is because I don't remember any of it!
A majority of what happened that year has pretty much escaped my mind for some reason or the other. So, I've got so many letters, but I don't know what the heck we're talking about in any of them, they're so vague! But it's just as well, I guess. I don't really think I want to remember those times.
Who I was then, was a completely different person from the me, present day. I've changed A LOT, and I'm definitely gonna change some more. So yea, I just wanted to share. haha =)
So after I was done cleaning up, I sat down on my bed and went through the letters, and read them all one by one. What completely sucks is that in the letters, my friends would talk about a certain something, like, "sorry about what happened yesterday", "we're gonna have so much fun later", "I'll tell you something super important in a while", and the reason it sucks is because I don't remember any of it!
A majority of what happened that year has pretty much escaped my mind for some reason or the other. So, I've got so many letters, but I don't know what the heck we're talking about in any of them, they're so vague! But it's just as well, I guess. I don't really think I want to remember those times.
Who I was then, was a completely different person from the me, present day. I've changed A LOT, and I'm definitely gonna change some more. So yea, I just wanted to share. haha =)
Monday, November 15, 2004
Pensive Braindead
Christmas is fast approaching, and this year, I am as unprepared as I possibly could be. I must've been so wrapped up in other things (I can't even imagine what) that I haven't gotten a chance to give any thought to what to get my family members for presents. As much as I would love to shower them with amazing gifts, my (not surprisingly) tiny budget prevents me from doing so.
So my budget is divided into six. Except for my little brother, who is super vocal about what he wants, I'm clueless about what to get for everybody else. My sister mentioned that this year, she wants something that she can actually use, which is exactly what I want to do. I want to get them something that they can use everyday if they wanted to. But I just can't think of what those things possibly could be.
Last night, I thought about it pretty hard. I came up with something. It's not genious, but it's definitely a start. I really really need to get my brain together though, because the Christmas shoppers are going to be invading the malls pretty soon, and the crowds are going to drive me absolutely insane.
So my budget is divided into six. Except for my little brother, who is super vocal about what he wants, I'm clueless about what to get for everybody else. My sister mentioned that this year, she wants something that she can actually use, which is exactly what I want to do. I want to get them something that they can use everyday if they wanted to. But I just can't think of what those things possibly could be.
Last night, I thought about it pretty hard. I came up with something. It's not genious, but it's definitely a start. I really really need to get my brain together though, because the Christmas shoppers are going to be invading the malls pretty soon, and the crowds are going to drive me absolutely insane.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
I broke my glasses last night. Not the glass though (thankfully), which is actually plastic, or something. I was fixing up the dinner table, and my glasses were there, and the cover of the rice pot slipped and fell right onto it. And it just popped. I guess the screw was loose, so it just broke open.
So I give it to my dad so he can fix it, and in the process, he accidentally flung the screw (which is super tiny, by the way) with the screw driver, and it flies to a place where it cannot be found. We tried looking, but it just wasn't working.
So we go to the mall today to try and get a replacement (screw, not glasses), and I'm walking around practically blind. Seriously, everything was so blurry it was unbelievable. Thankfully, the shop was able to fix it, and the best part was, it was free!
I do want to get contact lenses though. Although the idea of sticking something into my eye is not exactly very appealing, it has its share of pros. Like, if I wanted to wear shades, it would be such a hassle to get every single pair I get graded. And when I'm trying on clothes at the mall, glasses are not very practical. Blah blah blah.
Not much else going on.
So I give it to my dad so he can fix it, and in the process, he accidentally flung the screw (which is super tiny, by the way) with the screw driver, and it flies to a place where it cannot be found. We tried looking, but it just wasn't working.
So we go to the mall today to try and get a replacement (screw, not glasses), and I'm walking around practically blind. Seriously, everything was so blurry it was unbelievable. Thankfully, the shop was able to fix it, and the best part was, it was free!
I do want to get contact lenses though. Although the idea of sticking something into my eye is not exactly very appealing, it has its share of pros. Like, if I wanted to wear shades, it would be such a hassle to get every single pair I get graded. And when I'm trying on clothes at the mall, glasses are not very practical. Blah blah blah.
Not much else going on.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
The Weekend Past
I went to visit my relatives in Laguna this past weekend. We left Friday morning, and got back Tuesday afternoon. They met Dylan for the first time. Before we actually brought him there, we were wondering what their reaction would be towards him and my sister. Being the conservative kind of people that they are, I don't think that Thea's pregnancy was something they celebrated, her being so young, and the fact that she wasn't getting married (probably the biggest shock to them).
We weren't exactly sure of what sort of reaction they were gonna express, but thankfully, when the time came for them to meet, the reactions were all good. Like I've said, Dylan has this power to make you smile and be happy no matter what sort of mood you might be in. He was a hit, they loved him.
He didn't stay there as long as the rest of us did, he and Thea left the next day. But I stayed, and it was a pretty long weekend. I wasn't exactly up for doing anything, so I ended up staying indoors the entire time. Pretty much in front of the TV, watching whatever I could, for some unknown reason. I was a TV addict the whole weekend.
We went out on November first (Monday) because it was all saints day. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is the day of the dead only "celebrated" in the Philippines? Basically, what happens is, you go to the cemetery to visit your relatives or anybody who's passed away. Bring flowers, light a candle, say some prayers.
I actually didn't want to go because the first time we ever went (the year my lolo died), it was scorching hot and the number of people was just nauseating. I don't know about you, but I hate crowds, so it wasn't exactly something I was looking forward to. Not that I don't or didn't love my lolo, and yea, I do miss him, but I just don't see the point of having to go to the cemetery and deal with things I'd rather not deal with (heat and crowds).
But I went anyway because I didn't want to be disrespectful, and my mom promised that it would be quick, and since it was reeeeaally early in the morning, it wouldn't be that hot, and the number of people would be minimal. And it was bearable, thankfully. But hanging out in the cemetery...
So the weekend was pretty laid back for me. Talk about being super lazy and having the worst case of the munchies though.
We weren't exactly sure of what sort of reaction they were gonna express, but thankfully, when the time came for them to meet, the reactions were all good. Like I've said, Dylan has this power to make you smile and be happy no matter what sort of mood you might be in. He was a hit, they loved him.
He didn't stay there as long as the rest of us did, he and Thea left the next day. But I stayed, and it was a pretty long weekend. I wasn't exactly up for doing anything, so I ended up staying indoors the entire time. Pretty much in front of the TV, watching whatever I could, for some unknown reason. I was a TV addict the whole weekend.
We went out on November first (Monday) because it was all saints day. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is the day of the dead only "celebrated" in the Philippines? Basically, what happens is, you go to the cemetery to visit your relatives or anybody who's passed away. Bring flowers, light a candle, say some prayers.
I actually didn't want to go because the first time we ever went (the year my lolo died), it was scorching hot and the number of people was just nauseating. I don't know about you, but I hate crowds, so it wasn't exactly something I was looking forward to. Not that I don't or didn't love my lolo, and yea, I do miss him, but I just don't see the point of having to go to the cemetery and deal with things I'd rather not deal with (heat and crowds).
But I went anyway because I didn't want to be disrespectful, and my mom promised that it would be quick, and since it was reeeeaally early in the morning, it wouldn't be that hot, and the number of people would be minimal. And it was bearable, thankfully. But hanging out in the cemetery...
So the weekend was pretty laid back for me. Talk about being super lazy and having the worst case of the munchies though.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
I haven't posted in a while... A lot of the blog postings I've been doing have been over at my blog on myspace. I kind of figured that I should leave this one for more "serious" topics, but since I never have any of those, the end result is usually this blog being neglected.
Last night, my sister and I were supposed to meet Ethan Zohn, Survivor Africa's winner, and we were both looking forward to it, since he's one of our favorites. Personally, I was rooting for him during Africa, and even when he went back for All Stars, so we were pretty excited. But unfortunately, it didn't push through. The plans got all messed up, so to our disappointment, it didn't happen.
But it's okay though, I can't have everything right? It would've been more than awesome, but these things happens, so... what would I have said to him anyway? I'm pretty sure he's absolutely sick of hearing Survivor questions. If anything, I most probably would've been the biggest dork ever, being such a fanatic and all. I'm getting a mental picture right now... pretty funny.
Other than that... Thea and Dylan spent the week with us, and they'll be spending every week to come with us as well. It's been great having the whole family together since we haven't been all together in a really long time. It's been really fun having them around. And going to bed knowing that they'll be there the next morning is a pretty good feeling to add to everything else.
Since our family's really close, it's just a blast when we're all together, just really being a family. Picking on each other (jokingly of course), laughing together, or at each other, whatever the occasion calls for, and just, being happy together. It's such a great feeling to be complete.
They've gone to the other house today to spend time with Dylan's dad and his family, and they'll be back on Tuesday.
Last night, my sister and I were supposed to meet Ethan Zohn, Survivor Africa's winner, and we were both looking forward to it, since he's one of our favorites. Personally, I was rooting for him during Africa, and even when he went back for All Stars, so we were pretty excited. But unfortunately, it didn't push through. The plans got all messed up, so to our disappointment, it didn't happen.
But it's okay though, I can't have everything right? It would've been more than awesome, but these things happens, so... what would I have said to him anyway? I'm pretty sure he's absolutely sick of hearing Survivor questions. If anything, I most probably would've been the biggest dork ever, being such a fanatic and all. I'm getting a mental picture right now... pretty funny.
Other than that... Thea and Dylan spent the week with us, and they'll be spending every week to come with us as well. It's been great having the whole family together since we haven't been all together in a really long time. It's been really fun having them around. And going to bed knowing that they'll be there the next morning is a pretty good feeling to add to everything else.
Since our family's really close, it's just a blast when we're all together, just really being a family. Picking on each other (jokingly of course), laughing together, or at each other, whatever the occasion calls for, and just, being happy together. It's such a great feeling to be complete.
They've gone to the other house today to spend time with Dylan's dad and his family, and they'll be back on Tuesday.
Monday, October 11, 2004
The Weekend
So my sister and I went and saw the Alicia Keys concert last Saturday, and she was amazing. When it comes to her dancing, she's no Britney, but her singing... WoW. Whether an artist's talented or not, really comes out during their live show.
We were seated in the last possible row. And the venue was huge, and it was a sold out show. And since it's a dome, not only were we far, we were also pretty high up. So we could see the entire venue, and can I just say, I've never seen so many people in my entire life. When she told everyone to start clapping, they'd start clapping, and from our view, it was definitely a sight to see.
The tickets were actually free, so the day before the show, we went online to see the venue's floor plan, to see where we'd be seated. And we saw that it was far. Like I said, last row possible. Which was okay with me, because I'm an Alicia Keys fan, just not a HUGE fan or anything like that, so just hearing her, was okay for me.
So anyways, since we knew we were gonna be so far, I decided to bring binoculars. Which turned out to be a pretty good idea, because we were able to see her up close, in a way.So all in all, she was amazing, her back up singers were awesome, the band was good, and it was a pretty good show. I'm glad I got to go. That would make it concert number six for this year.
Thea and Dylan have been at home with us since Thursday, and it's been great. Usually, we go over to visit them, but this time, we changed it up a bit. I miss them so much when they're not around, so having them be at home, the whole family there, was really nice. When they're not there, it always seems as if something's missing.
Dylan is one happy baby. And not to mention the most malikot boy you'll ever meet. When that little man figures out how to crawl, we're all in trouble. When he figures out how to walk and run, we're in a whole lot of trouble. There will be no keeping that boy still. He is just such a joy, and he has this amazing ability to make you smile, no matter what mood you happen to be in. Such innocence and happiness, he is a gift to this family.
It's also been so great to have Thea around. Getting to hang out again, go to the mall and whatever. It's also so much easier for her to be at home, because she's got five extra people to help her out with the little one, as opposed to minimal or no help at all. So why doesn't she just stay here? I wish it were that simple, but it's a bit more complicated than that.
So all in all, this weekend's been pretty good. It's been a while since the whole family's been together, so it's been really nice. Dylan's gotten to know us all a bit more, and I think it's safe to say that he's gotten pretty attached to his grandpa. Hopefully we can do this more often, but we'll see how things go.
We were seated in the last possible row. And the venue was huge, and it was a sold out show. And since it's a dome, not only were we far, we were also pretty high up. So we could see the entire venue, and can I just say, I've never seen so many people in my entire life. When she told everyone to start clapping, they'd start clapping, and from our view, it was definitely a sight to see.
The tickets were actually free, so the day before the show, we went online to see the venue's floor plan, to see where we'd be seated. And we saw that it was far. Like I said, last row possible. Which was okay with me, because I'm an Alicia Keys fan, just not a HUGE fan or anything like that, so just hearing her, was okay for me.
So anyways, since we knew we were gonna be so far, I decided to bring binoculars. Which turned out to be a pretty good idea, because we were able to see her up close, in a way.So all in all, she was amazing, her back up singers were awesome, the band was good, and it was a pretty good show. I'm glad I got to go. That would make it concert number six for this year.
Thea and Dylan have been at home with us since Thursday, and it's been great. Usually, we go over to visit them, but this time, we changed it up a bit. I miss them so much when they're not around, so having them be at home, the whole family there, was really nice. When they're not there, it always seems as if something's missing.
Dylan is one happy baby. And not to mention the most malikot boy you'll ever meet. When that little man figures out how to crawl, we're all in trouble. When he figures out how to walk and run, we're in a whole lot of trouble. There will be no keeping that boy still. He is just such a joy, and he has this amazing ability to make you smile, no matter what mood you happen to be in. Such innocence and happiness, he is a gift to this family.
It's also been so great to have Thea around. Getting to hang out again, go to the mall and whatever. It's also so much easier for her to be at home, because she's got five extra people to help her out with the little one, as opposed to minimal or no help at all. So why doesn't she just stay here? I wish it were that simple, but it's a bit more complicated than that.
So all in all, this weekend's been pretty good. It's been a while since the whole family's been together, so it's been really nice. Dylan's gotten to know us all a bit more, and I think it's safe to say that he's gotten pretty attached to his grandpa. Hopefully we can do this more often, but we'll see how things go.
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Planet Earth and it's Inhabitants
***This might be a bit depressing, but it's only the truth
We live in a world that's polluted, overpopulated, and full of evil, to name a few things. Money rules the world. Anybody who says that "money is the root of all evil", doesn't have any. Millions and millions of people have to work with minimum wage salaries, and chances are, they're crappy jobs, that they probably hate, but have to do, because they have families that they have to feed, children to send to school, in other words, people they need to provide for. They work their asses off trying to do that, and a lot of the time, it's just not enough.
Consider them lucky, because another couple of million people don't even have jobs. They're submerged in poverty, living on the streets, stomachs empty, begging on the side of the road. A lot of them are children, brought into the world with no other choice.
But at the same time, here are these celebrities, who make millions of dollars for what they do. They can afford to live in massive mansions, furnished with the most expensive things money can buy. They can have five of the same cars all different colors if they wanted. The most expensive clothes, living a lavish lifestyle, having more money than they could ever spend.
And when it comes to these designer labels, why is it that the celebrities, who we've established are drowning in cash, get the discounts? It's not like they can't afford it. It's more like they're the only ones who can (afford it). Celebrities and heiresses are chosen for million dollar endorsements. Why? If you can afford to spend that much money to have someone endorse something, pick somebody who could use the money.
Our generation is so high tech. We have invented something for everything. The human brain is capable of so much. We all have potential to be geniouses. We're so smart, we know right from wrong, we know how to get things done. So why is it that it's so hard for us to put trash in trash cans? We choose to toss it out into the street instead. What's up with that?
I don't watch the news because a lot of it is just negative, and I don't know politics. But I know that our governments are corrupt. Power hungry. A person running for president will cheat just so they can win. So what's the point of voting? If, as the person running, you know you're gonna lose, why would you still cheat? So you can run a country and it's people, who don't want you to run them? You cheat, you "win", and then what? The people didn't choose you, they don't want you there.
So many people out there are so insanely paranoid, because out there, it's just not safe anymore. Walking home alone can scare anybody half to death, because the reality is, there's something to be scared of. Being mugged, raped, or even killed. For money? Material things? No one feels safe anymore and it's just so wrong.
I guess it's like that for equilibrium, balance. Because at the same time, while there's so much evil, there's still enough good. But it doesn't stop it from being puzzling. I don't really know how to end this. I've said pretty much what I've wanted to say. So I'll leave it at that.
We live in a world that's polluted, overpopulated, and full of evil, to name a few things. Money rules the world. Anybody who says that "money is the root of all evil", doesn't have any. Millions and millions of people have to work with minimum wage salaries, and chances are, they're crappy jobs, that they probably hate, but have to do, because they have families that they have to feed, children to send to school, in other words, people they need to provide for. They work their asses off trying to do that, and a lot of the time, it's just not enough.
Consider them lucky, because another couple of million people don't even have jobs. They're submerged in poverty, living on the streets, stomachs empty, begging on the side of the road. A lot of them are children, brought into the world with no other choice.
But at the same time, here are these celebrities, who make millions of dollars for what they do. They can afford to live in massive mansions, furnished with the most expensive things money can buy. They can have five of the same cars all different colors if they wanted. The most expensive clothes, living a lavish lifestyle, having more money than they could ever spend.
And when it comes to these designer labels, why is it that the celebrities, who we've established are drowning in cash, get the discounts? It's not like they can't afford it. It's more like they're the only ones who can (afford it). Celebrities and heiresses are chosen for million dollar endorsements. Why? If you can afford to spend that much money to have someone endorse something, pick somebody who could use the money.
Our generation is so high tech. We have invented something for everything. The human brain is capable of so much. We all have potential to be geniouses. We're so smart, we know right from wrong, we know how to get things done. So why is it that it's so hard for us to put trash in trash cans? We choose to toss it out into the street instead. What's up with that?
I don't watch the news because a lot of it is just negative, and I don't know politics. But I know that our governments are corrupt. Power hungry. A person running for president will cheat just so they can win. So what's the point of voting? If, as the person running, you know you're gonna lose, why would you still cheat? So you can run a country and it's people, who don't want you to run them? You cheat, you "win", and then what? The people didn't choose you, they don't want you there.
So many people out there are so insanely paranoid, because out there, it's just not safe anymore. Walking home alone can scare anybody half to death, because the reality is, there's something to be scared of. Being mugged, raped, or even killed. For money? Material things? No one feels safe anymore and it's just so wrong.
I guess it's like that for equilibrium, balance. Because at the same time, while there's so much evil, there's still enough good. But it doesn't stop it from being puzzling. I don't really know how to end this. I've said pretty much what I've wanted to say. So I'll leave it at that.
Sunday, October 03, 2004
I've Done The Unthinkable
So, we were talking about Friendster. I have avoided that place for over a year (I've already mentioned why), despite all the people telling me I should join. See, just the word join, it's like they're inviting me into their cult. Okay, so maybe that's a little over the top.
So with what I've done, I've contradicted myself as well as, shall I say, my values. I have done the unthinkable, and I have signed up for friendster. Initially, it was just so that I could look at people's profiles. See how conceited or humble they were. A lot of them have hidden profiles though, so that wasn't very effective.
Yea, I'm on my space, and I like it so much better. The all around layout, and the blog that comes with it. But eveyone else I know is on friendster. It's the same with this, I have a blog on here, but everyone else is on live journal. That's the problem with wanting to be different. You're usually left all by yourself with the decisions you make.
I'm not gonna be bitter about having joined, and in that sense, losing the strike. Because here's my logic behind it. People are more likely to log onto friendster than take the time to email someone. In other words, being a part of it, makes it so much easier to keep in touch. Whether I like the person or not, I'll know where to reach them, if ever.
Friendster and my space, if you think about it, is just one big directory. Connecting millions and millions of people, it's an online phonebook. And I think it's a good idea to be a part of it. My intentions are purely for keeping in touch with people, because I realise it's importance now.
Having signed up, I have found people that I most probably would never have heard from again, for the rest of my life. You are meant to meet the people you meet, and in the same way, if you lose someone forever, for whatever reason, that's how it was supposed to be. And those people, you'll find, are not a part of friendster or my space.
So with what I've done, I've contradicted myself as well as, shall I say, my values. I have done the unthinkable, and I have signed up for friendster. Initially, it was just so that I could look at people's profiles. See how conceited or humble they were. A lot of them have hidden profiles though, so that wasn't very effective.
Yea, I'm on my space, and I like it so much better. The all around layout, and the blog that comes with it. But eveyone else I know is on friendster. It's the same with this, I have a blog on here, but everyone else is on live journal. That's the problem with wanting to be different. You're usually left all by yourself with the decisions you make.
I'm not gonna be bitter about having joined, and in that sense, losing the strike. Because here's my logic behind it. People are more likely to log onto friendster than take the time to email someone. In other words, being a part of it, makes it so much easier to keep in touch. Whether I like the person or not, I'll know where to reach them, if ever.
Friendster and my space, if you think about it, is just one big directory. Connecting millions and millions of people, it's an online phonebook. And I think it's a good idea to be a part of it. My intentions are purely for keeping in touch with people, because I realise it's importance now.
Having signed up, I have found people that I most probably would never have heard from again, for the rest of my life. You are meant to meet the people you meet, and in the same way, if you lose someone forever, for whatever reason, that's how it was supposed to be. And those people, you'll find, are not a part of friendster or my space.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Exploring New Things
My sister signed me up for this, well... not so new, but new to me, thing. It's called My Space. And basically, it's almost exactly like Friendster. I'm sure you've heard of that. It was taking over the world. Anyways, I never joined Friendster, because, quite simply, I never wanted to. If I had, it would've felt like I had given in to the craze, and I didn't want to do that. My sister will tell you the same.
My Space is different because for one thing, it has a blog (uh-oh, you have competition). I started setting my profile up yesterday, and I don't exactly know my way around yet. I'm so new to the whole "networking" experience, I admit, I'm a little lost.
But I'm gonna try it out, see how it goes, hopefully make some friends along the way, which is the point of the whole thing. More to do online, I guess.
I'm always up for trying new things, trying to be as spontaneous as I can be. Although there's hardly anything spontaneous about My Space. But it does run the risk of making someone feel like a loser with the lack of their friend count. *points directly at self* But oh well, like I said, I'm hoping to change that, and I guess we'll see if I'm any good at this.
My Space is different because for one thing, it has a blog (uh-oh, you have competition). I started setting my profile up yesterday, and I don't exactly know my way around yet. I'm so new to the whole "networking" experience, I admit, I'm a little lost.
But I'm gonna try it out, see how it goes, hopefully make some friends along the way, which is the point of the whole thing. More to do online, I guess.
I'm always up for trying new things, trying to be as spontaneous as I can be. Although there's hardly anything spontaneous about My Space. But it does run the risk of making someone feel like a loser with the lack of their friend count. *points directly at self* But oh well, like I said, I'm hoping to change that, and I guess we'll see if I'm any good at this.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Well, I thought I should write. My "psychobabble" entry has been at the top of the page for a bit too long. And nobody seems to know what the hell I'm going on about, which I must admit, was the entire point of it. What it's about, is up to you.
Not much going on around here. I've been posting over at the LPU MBs, but it's a little dead right now, so I decided to write, but unfortunately, I'm a little brain dead right now, so I can't think of what I could possibly write about. I'll think of something... Off the top of my head.
September's about to end. Christmas is not that far off. I'm actually not a Christmas person. I guess as I got older, the whole Christmas "magic" sort of disappeared. But I do remember the days when I would get so excited as the twenty fifth came closer. And I admit, it was all about the presents, and the food. I think that's what it symbolised to me.
They've actually already started playing Christmas carols. Which is completely insane, I think. Well, I guess... It's not like we have Halloween carols or anything. Thankfully, I might add.
Yea, I'm just not as excited about Christmas as I used to be. And I'm not exactly sure what changed that. Now I'm trying to think of the answer, which is pretty useless, because I honestly don't know.
Christmas used to give me this feeling. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it felt like Christmas. Do you know what I mean? And for the past few years, it sort of just disappeared, and it was nothing more to me than an ordinary day. I wonder if the feeling will ever come back, or if it's gone forever.
I used to have the same anticipation for my birthday, and I seem to have lost that as well. It just gradually became unimportant. What is that? Why is it like that? And I'm so young, so I wonder if that feeling's ever gonna come back. Or maybe, this whole "lost feeling" is just a phase?
I don't know. If you have an answer for me, I'd be glad to hear it. But that's all I have for now. So there. How's that for off the top of my head? I'll think of something better for next time.
Not much going on around here. I've been posting over at the LPU MBs, but it's a little dead right now, so I decided to write, but unfortunately, I'm a little brain dead right now, so I can't think of what I could possibly write about. I'll think of something... Off the top of my head.
September's about to end. Christmas is not that far off. I'm actually not a Christmas person. I guess as I got older, the whole Christmas "magic" sort of disappeared. But I do remember the days when I would get so excited as the twenty fifth came closer. And I admit, it was all about the presents, and the food. I think that's what it symbolised to me.
They've actually already started playing Christmas carols. Which is completely insane, I think. Well, I guess... It's not like we have Halloween carols or anything. Thankfully, I might add.
Yea, I'm just not as excited about Christmas as I used to be. And I'm not exactly sure what changed that. Now I'm trying to think of the answer, which is pretty useless, because I honestly don't know.
Christmas used to give me this feeling. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it felt like Christmas. Do you know what I mean? And for the past few years, it sort of just disappeared, and it was nothing more to me than an ordinary day. I wonder if the feeling will ever come back, or if it's gone forever.
I used to have the same anticipation for my birthday, and I seem to have lost that as well. It just gradually became unimportant. What is that? Why is it like that? And I'm so young, so I wonder if that feeling's ever gonna come back. Or maybe, this whole "lost feeling" is just a phase?
I don't know. If you have an answer for me, I'd be glad to hear it. But that's all I have for now. So there. How's that for off the top of my head? I'll think of something better for next time.
Monday, September 20, 2004
Being abandoned. It's not exactly the best feeling in the world. It was my top priority (rather stupidly) when I was younger. It made me feel secure, in a way, and when I left it, I thought that nothing would change, and I continued to cherish it. But as time went on, it's value slowly became infintesimal. I did all I could to revive it, but it eventually dissipated. It went from being visited sporadically, to non existent.
It's definitely disappointing to lose something that used to be important to me. But it's not the first time that it's happened. It'll probably happen again. But now I'm ready for it to happen again. And it won't hurt so much when it comes around.
I've learned my lesson, and I'm moving on. I thought that I really needed this, which is why I tried to keep it alive. But it's pretty useless when the effort's only coming from one end. So I don't blame myself at all, because I know I tried, I did what I could, even though it proved to be a waste of time.
So I'm letting it go, as much as I wish I didn't have to. It's a painful realisation, but it's just one of life's many lessons. And it will only get better once I accept it. And that's what I'm doing. It's what I've done. I've accepted it, I'm thankful for it, and I'm moving on.
Ditching this one, making a new bunch, setting my priorities straight. It's about time I get this right. I'll be a better person for it.
Life's lessons. Talk about a slap on the face. It doesn't go easy on you. I suggest you learn those lessons as fast as you can, so you don't have to get slapped so much. Trust me, if you're getting slapped for a lesson you've already gone through (but for some reason, chose to ignore), it hurts more.
It's definitely disappointing to lose something that used to be important to me. But it's not the first time that it's happened. It'll probably happen again. But now I'm ready for it to happen again. And it won't hurt so much when it comes around.
I've learned my lesson, and I'm moving on. I thought that I really needed this, which is why I tried to keep it alive. But it's pretty useless when the effort's only coming from one end. So I don't blame myself at all, because I know I tried, I did what I could, even though it proved to be a waste of time.
So I'm letting it go, as much as I wish I didn't have to. It's a painful realisation, but it's just one of life's many lessons. And it will only get better once I accept it. And that's what I'm doing. It's what I've done. I've accepted it, I'm thankful for it, and I'm moving on.
Ditching this one, making a new bunch, setting my priorities straight. It's about time I get this right. I'll be a better person for it.
Life's lessons. Talk about a slap on the face. It doesn't go easy on you. I suggest you learn those lessons as fast as you can, so you don't have to get slapped so much. Trust me, if you're getting slapped for a lesson you've already gone through (but for some reason, chose to ignore), it hurts more.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Movies Galore
A lot of new movies are coming out all the time, and being a movie buff, I went out and watched them a lot. But lately, that's not the case. Hollywood just doesn't seem to be coming out with anything appealing to me anymore. That, and ticket prices aren't exactly as cheap as they used to be, so if I'm paying that much to see a flick, it might as well be a good one.
I think, the last good movie I saw, something that I REALLY liked, was "The Notebook". And that was even based on a book. But I guess, in its defense, they're completely different from one another. I preferred the movie to the book. If you've seen the movie (or read the book), you'll know what I mean when I say that I want a Noah. I don't think there's really anything to explain. It sort of speaks for itself. =)
I just saw "Dodge Ball". Somebody told me that it was extremely hilarious, so I went and saw it. It was okay. It was funny, but I was expecting to be laughing the whole time, which I wasn't. After I saw "Starsky and Hutch", I told myself I wouldn't watch another Ben Stiller film, because they've become overrated, unfortunately.
Before that, I saw "The Terminal". I liked it. Except for the ending. But otherwise, I liked the story, and it was entertaining, hardly predictable, and cute. Tom Hanks films, still doing good.
I guess it's not Hollywood. Maybe it's me. I've become pretty hard to please when it comes to movies. It's just that, a lot of the scripts being made into movies are just so... blah. Too many sequels, nobody can come up with anything new anymore. And then all of a sudden, a bombardment of comic books coming to the big screen. It wouldn't be so bad if they were any good. And if not comic books, then books. It's gotta be based on something, no one wants to do their own thing.
But, as you know, these are just MY opinions. Don't slaughter me if you happen to disagree.
I think, the last good movie I saw, something that I REALLY liked, was "The Notebook". And that was even based on a book. But I guess, in its defense, they're completely different from one another. I preferred the movie to the book. If you've seen the movie (or read the book), you'll know what I mean when I say that I want a Noah. I don't think there's really anything to explain. It sort of speaks for itself. =)
I just saw "Dodge Ball". Somebody told me that it was extremely hilarious, so I went and saw it. It was okay. It was funny, but I was expecting to be laughing the whole time, which I wasn't. After I saw "Starsky and Hutch", I told myself I wouldn't watch another Ben Stiller film, because they've become overrated, unfortunately.
Before that, I saw "The Terminal". I liked it. Except for the ending. But otherwise, I liked the story, and it was entertaining, hardly predictable, and cute. Tom Hanks films, still doing good.
I guess it's not Hollywood. Maybe it's me. I've become pretty hard to please when it comes to movies. It's just that, a lot of the scripts being made into movies are just so... blah. Too many sequels, nobody can come up with anything new anymore. And then all of a sudden, a bombardment of comic books coming to the big screen. It wouldn't be so bad if they were any good. And if not comic books, then books. It's gotta be based on something, no one wants to do their own thing.
But, as you know, these are just MY opinions. Don't slaughter me if you happen to disagree.
Sunday, September 12, 2004
I'm back!
I haven't had internet access for the past couple of days. Before that, I did, I just didn't have a topic as usual. I spent the last three days with my sister, helping her out with Dylan who just turned four months recently.
It definitely takes up a whole lot of energy to take care of a growing boy. He wakes up at ridiculous hours demanding to be fed, and it just takes so much patience to be able to do it. And if you're doing it practically alone, and with minimum help, it definitely takes it's toll on you.
It's not exactly easy, but my sister, she does it. Of course it's so hard not to love him, but to be able to do what she does, taking care of him, losing sleep, and everything else in between.
It's been hard being away from family, it's hard for me being away from her, but it's something that's got to be done. I'm just so proud of her. She's taken on the role of mother, and plays it out to perfection. She loves her son, he loves her back, and it's so obvious.
I really miss having her around. Spending days doing nothing at the mall, window shopping. Being lazy at home, talking about everything, being absolutely weird! Nobody else gets me like she does. It blows my mind, how we're so different, practically opposites, yet at the same time, we're identically alike.
Yes, I miss her, but Dylan needs her more than I do. And we won't be apart for much longer, if everything goes well. And when that happens, she won't have to be so alone, and we can get back to having our extremely weird moments that only we seem to get.
Happy Birthday Gio!!! =)
It definitely takes up a whole lot of energy to take care of a growing boy. He wakes up at ridiculous hours demanding to be fed, and it just takes so much patience to be able to do it. And if you're doing it practically alone, and with minimum help, it definitely takes it's toll on you.
It's not exactly easy, but my sister, she does it. Of course it's so hard not to love him, but to be able to do what she does, taking care of him, losing sleep, and everything else in between.
It's been hard being away from family, it's hard for me being away from her, but it's something that's got to be done. I'm just so proud of her. She's taken on the role of mother, and plays it out to perfection. She loves her son, he loves her back, and it's so obvious.
I really miss having her around. Spending days doing nothing at the mall, window shopping. Being lazy at home, talking about everything, being absolutely weird! Nobody else gets me like she does. It blows my mind, how we're so different, practically opposites, yet at the same time, we're identically alike.
Yes, I miss her, but Dylan needs her more than I do. And we won't be apart for much longer, if everything goes well. And when that happens, she won't have to be so alone, and we can get back to having our extremely weird moments that only we seem to get.
Happy Birthday Gio!!! =)
Friday, September 03, 2004
I can't think
Well, I said I'd write when I had time, and I have time now. But just like last time, I still have no particular subject in mind. Does anybody ever read this anyway? Aside from my sister. =) But I won't be discouraged with the lack of hits and comments. I guess, ultimately, this is just a place for me to unload.
It's just me and my dad this weekend. The rest of my family's gone to visit my relatives. I guess that'll give me some time to finally finish the book I'm reading, since I've been neglecting it all week. And clean up my room, if I get the energy to start. Just as long as I have my music on, cleaning up isn't too bad.
I find that really weird though, that I'm so OC about germs, but my room's a mess. Well, okay, it's not that messy. But it's not the neatest thing you'll ever see... But when I re-read that sentence, I totally pictured my room to have absolutely no walking space on the floor, clothes and rotting food everywhere. Which is disgusting, and there is no way my room would ever get like that.
So, okay, trying to put descriptive pictures in people's heads, not my area of expertise. Although babbling might be... have you noticed? I should probably stop before this gets any weirder. haha =)
Oh, I just had lunch at McDonald's with my older brother... I think that might've been the most time we've spent together in months. But I was glad he was there, cuz if not, I would've had to eat alone, and that would've been sad.
So there it is, my entry for the day. I'll get back to you.
It's just me and my dad this weekend. The rest of my family's gone to visit my relatives. I guess that'll give me some time to finally finish the book I'm reading, since I've been neglecting it all week. And clean up my room, if I get the energy to start. Just as long as I have my music on, cleaning up isn't too bad.
I find that really weird though, that I'm so OC about germs, but my room's a mess. Well, okay, it's not that messy. But it's not the neatest thing you'll ever see... But when I re-read that sentence, I totally pictured my room to have absolutely no walking space on the floor, clothes and rotting food everywhere. Which is disgusting, and there is no way my room would ever get like that.
So, okay, trying to put descriptive pictures in people's heads, not my area of expertise. Although babbling might be... have you noticed? I should probably stop before this gets any weirder. haha =)
Oh, I just had lunch at McDonald's with my older brother... I think that might've been the most time we've spent together in months. But I was glad he was there, cuz if not, I would've had to eat alone, and that would've been sad.
So there it is, my entry for the day. I'll get back to you.
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
The past couple of days have been dark and rainy. I like it. They're the type of days that make you want to just stay home in your bed under your blanket.
The past couple of days have also been spent being super competitive with my brothers on the PS2. haha =)
Well, I haven't written in a while, and I just thought I'd update, eventhough I don't really have anything in particular to write about. But I'll try to take up space as best as I can.
On second thought... I really can't. I'll try to write something a little more whatever next time...
The past couple of days have also been spent being super competitive with my brothers on the PS2. haha =)
Well, I haven't written in a while, and I just thought I'd update, eventhough I don't really have anything in particular to write about. But I'll try to take up space as best as I can.
On second thought... I really can't. I'll try to write something a little more whatever next time...
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Things That I Love
I think that it takes too much energy to be sad. Plus, it's much more fun to be happy. If you can find one thing to be happy about, then consider yourself lucky.
*Books- I love the stories that they tell, and the ability they have to take you to another place. How they have the power to make you feel all the emotions.
*Movies- It's a book with moving pictures!
*Music- Oh wow... where do I start? I cannot even begin to imagine a life without music. Music is something that I really love. It gives me something to be passionate about. There's different music for different moods, and it can make you feel so much.
*Pictures- There's no better way to preserve your memories.
*Sports- The intensity, the competitiveness, the dedication. The excitement it can get out of people.
*Food- Need I say more?
*Art- There is so much to love about art. I don't do art, I just like to look at it. Whether it's paintings, drawings, body art, any kind of art. It's self expression.
*Writing- It's art that I know how to do. Again, self expression.
*Laughter and Humor- Who doesn't love a good laugh? "A day without laughter is a day most wasted".
*Weather/Nature- Clouds are so beautiful. And rain. As long as you're not getting soaked under it, rain is good.
There's a lot to love and be happy about. So it should really take a lot to make you sad.
*Books- I love the stories that they tell, and the ability they have to take you to another place. How they have the power to make you feel all the emotions.
*Movies- It's a book with moving pictures!
*Music- Oh wow... where do I start? I cannot even begin to imagine a life without music. Music is something that I really love. It gives me something to be passionate about. There's different music for different moods, and it can make you feel so much.
*Pictures- There's no better way to preserve your memories.
*Sports- The intensity, the competitiveness, the dedication. The excitement it can get out of people.
*Food- Need I say more?
*Art- There is so much to love about art. I don't do art, I just like to look at it. Whether it's paintings, drawings, body art, any kind of art. It's self expression.
*Writing- It's art that I know how to do. Again, self expression.
*Laughter and Humor- Who doesn't love a good laugh? "A day without laughter is a day most wasted".
*Weather/Nature- Clouds are so beautiful. And rain. As long as you're not getting soaked under it, rain is good.
There's a lot to love and be happy about. So it should really take a lot to make you sad.
Monday, August 23, 2004
My Movie Review
I just saw "The Stepford Wives" with my mom. In a word... it was weird. I dunno. The whole thing was just so weird.
Okay, so basically, they move to Stepford and everything is just perfect. Not the nice kind of perfect, the seriously strange type of perfect. And then they find out (don't worry, this won't ruin the movie for you if you haven't seen it yet), that the wives are actually robots, purposely made to be perfect for their husbands.
I'm sorry, I just can't get over how strange that flick was. It's probably one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen. So was it good? Eh... it was okay. But of course, that's just my opinion. Watch it if you want, and judge it for yourself. Or if you just want an excuse to see Nicole Kidman, who by the way, looks better as a blonde. Again, my opinion.
I guess the message they were trying to send out was that perfect isn't everything. And sometimes we think we want things to be perfect, but in truth, there's really no such thing.
We'd like to live in a "perfect" world, and that's what Stepford is. And so you see that, and then all of sudden, you want to get out, because it's all just too strange.
So yes, there's no such thing as perfect. Imagine if everything was? And it was exactly like Stepford? How boring. So if you think about it, we need controversy, drama, and imperfections to balance it all out for equilibrium.
So in a nutshell, when it comes down to it, not everything can be perfect. And sometimes, that's okay.
Okay, so basically, they move to Stepford and everything is just perfect. Not the nice kind of perfect, the seriously strange type of perfect. And then they find out (don't worry, this won't ruin the movie for you if you haven't seen it yet), that the wives are actually robots, purposely made to be perfect for their husbands.
I'm sorry, I just can't get over how strange that flick was. It's probably one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen. So was it good? Eh... it was okay. But of course, that's just my opinion. Watch it if you want, and judge it for yourself. Or if you just want an excuse to see Nicole Kidman, who by the way, looks better as a blonde. Again, my opinion.
I guess the message they were trying to send out was that perfect isn't everything. And sometimes we think we want things to be perfect, but in truth, there's really no such thing.
We'd like to live in a "perfect" world, and that's what Stepford is. And so you see that, and then all of sudden, you want to get out, because it's all just too strange.
So yes, there's no such thing as perfect. Imagine if everything was? And it was exactly like Stepford? How boring. So if you think about it, we need controversy, drama, and imperfections to balance it all out for equilibrium.
So in a nutshell, when it comes down to it, not everything can be perfect. And sometimes, that's okay.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Concert Chaos
I was able to go to the Hoobastank concert last night. I wasn't sure what to expect since I don't know anything about them as live performers. I did hear a live version of their song on the radio a couple of times, and it was terrible. But then again, every live performance is different, which proved to be true, since last night was not terrible at all.
It was pretty good. The audience was hyped, and so was the band. I had fun eventhough I only knew five of their songs. Because the day I was gonna buy their album, it was sold out, and I just never got around to getting it after that, which I think I should have.
The first time I heard the song, "the reason", was on the internet, when Hoobastank was touring with Linkin Park, P.O.D and Story of The Year last January. And I remember, I loved it. And then all of a sudden, it gets released as a radio single, and they're playing it everywhere, up to the point that I just got so sick of it, which was sad because it's a good song. It just got super played out.
So a few weeks before the concert, I told myself that I didn't want to hear that song again until then (because, no duh, they'd play it). But it was kind of useless, cuz it seems as if there's just no escaping that song.
So, back to last night. Rivermaya opened for them, and they got the crowd warmed up, which is what they're supposed to do. So by the time their set is over, we're all amped, and we want to see Hoobastank. But that wouldn't happen for a while.
A DJ from a radio station calls up some contest winner to talk about how he got his free passes to the show. So all that energy that Rivermaya got out of us, was absolutely pointless. Because there he is, talking to what seemed like the most monotonous contest winner of all time, and we're bored all over again.
So finally, after all that, the lights go off, the entire place erupts, and Hoobastank starts to play. There was so much energy coming from all the fans, and it was so loud! Everybody's screaming at the top of their lungs, and if you are as well, you won't even be able to hear yourself.
I think they played for about an hour, but for some reason, it seemed like a lot longer. Maybe because, I didn't know the songs? =/ Of course, the girls went crazy when Doug took off his shirt... but hey, if you've got something to flaunt, then you might as well. =) haha!
All in all, it was great, and I had a lot of fun. There really is nothing quite like a live show. And I love it! =) i can't wait until the next one.
It was pretty good. The audience was hyped, and so was the band. I had fun eventhough I only knew five of their songs. Because the day I was gonna buy their album, it was sold out, and I just never got around to getting it after that, which I think I should have.
The first time I heard the song, "the reason", was on the internet, when Hoobastank was touring with Linkin Park, P.O.D and Story of The Year last January. And I remember, I loved it. And then all of a sudden, it gets released as a radio single, and they're playing it everywhere, up to the point that I just got so sick of it, which was sad because it's a good song. It just got super played out.
So a few weeks before the concert, I told myself that I didn't want to hear that song again until then (because, no duh, they'd play it). But it was kind of useless, cuz it seems as if there's just no escaping that song.
So, back to last night. Rivermaya opened for them, and they got the crowd warmed up, which is what they're supposed to do. So by the time their set is over, we're all amped, and we want to see Hoobastank. But that wouldn't happen for a while.
A DJ from a radio station calls up some contest winner to talk about how he got his free passes to the show. So all that energy that Rivermaya got out of us, was absolutely pointless. Because there he is, talking to what seemed like the most monotonous contest winner of all time, and we're bored all over again.
So finally, after all that, the lights go off, the entire place erupts, and Hoobastank starts to play. There was so much energy coming from all the fans, and it was so loud! Everybody's screaming at the top of their lungs, and if you are as well, you won't even be able to hear yourself.
I think they played for about an hour, but for some reason, it seemed like a lot longer. Maybe because, I didn't know the songs? =/ Of course, the girls went crazy when Doug took off his shirt... but hey, if you've got something to flaunt, then you might as well. =) haha!
All in all, it was great, and I had a lot of fun. There really is nothing quite like a live show. And I love it! =) i can't wait until the next one.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
I am now the proud owner of "White Fluffly Clouds", a book by Brandon Boyd. Some of you may be more familiar with him if referred to as "the lead singer of Incubus". Aside from being a singer/songwriter (and a good one, I might add), Brandon is also a very talented artist.
Unfortunately, not too many people know this about him because a lot of the time (again, unfortunately), they're too caught up in his "hottness" to know anything else about him. I don't mean for that to be offensive, it's just true a lot of the time.
The book showcases his amazing art, pictures that he's taken, thoughts, and "psycho babble", among other things. Amazing is really the only word I can think of to describe it. It's really different from anything I've seen, and in that sense, I really like it. It's just really... out there, and it's so refreshing to see some variety, especially nowadays, when it feels as if everything's been done.
That's the book cover. And that drawing, in particular, is one of my personal favorites. The whole book is just so inspiring, I can only wish that I could draw like that, if I could draw at all.
And speaking of inspirations, you can only wonder what was going through Brandon's head while he was drawing all of that. I seriously just want to sit down with him and ask him all about the book, and what the drawings represent to him.
If you're into art, and you're all for diversity, then I suggest you check it out. *A HUGE thank you to Monica for providing me with my copy. =) Also, check out for a better preview.
Brandon Boyd, is truly gifted.
Unfortunately, not too many people know this about him because a lot of the time (again, unfortunately), they're too caught up in his "hottness" to know anything else about him. I don't mean for that to be offensive, it's just true a lot of the time.
The book showcases his amazing art, pictures that he's taken, thoughts, and "psycho babble", among other things. Amazing is really the only word I can think of to describe it. It's really different from anything I've seen, and in that sense, I really like it. It's just really... out there, and it's so refreshing to see some variety, especially nowadays, when it feels as if everything's been done.

That's the book cover. And that drawing, in particular, is one of my personal favorites. The whole book is just so inspiring, I can only wish that I could draw like that, if I could draw at all.
And speaking of inspirations, you can only wonder what was going through Brandon's head while he was drawing all of that. I seriously just want to sit down with him and ask him all about the book, and what the drawings represent to him.
If you're into art, and you're all for diversity, then I suggest you check it out. *A HUGE thank you to Monica for providing me with my copy. =) Also, check out for a better preview.
Brandon Boyd, is truly gifted.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Battle For The Moonman
The MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) is fast approaching. Voting for the Viewers Choice Award is getting intense.
I think voting started this month, and there were a lot of nominees in the running. This is the only award that is voted for by the fans, so supposedly, it's one of the most important awards of the night, I guess in the sense that they find out who has the most dedicated fanbase. Or in other words, the best fans in the world!
It's in the third round now (out of four), and there are only ten artists left. Linkin Park being one of them. (Incubus was nominated too, and I voted for them, but they kinda didn't make it =/) It's a head to head competition. It's a versus kind of thing. Right now, it's Linkin Park VS Evanescence. In the past two rounds they went against Kelis and I forgot the other one...
It's tough competition, and both sides (of fans) want their band to win. So everybody's voting like crazy (I've only voted for them three times though). Obviously, it's a battle and they want to know who's got the better fans. In a way, that sounds kinda mean (and not to mention, a little scary), but that's how it is. Only one band makes it to the final round.
The LPU has over 60,000 members. I'm not gonna say anything, cuz I don't want to jinx it... but yea, I want them to win. I have nothing against Evanescence, but I'm on LP's side... duh!
You should see some of the messages posted about it on both band's message boards. The other wants very badly to kick the other's ass. I guess we'll have to wait and see. =)
Go here to vote... This round ends on August 16.
*That was the FANATIC coming out of me...
I think voting started this month, and there were a lot of nominees in the running. This is the only award that is voted for by the fans, so supposedly, it's one of the most important awards of the night, I guess in the sense that they find out who has the most dedicated fanbase. Or in other words, the best fans in the world!
It's in the third round now (out of four), and there are only ten artists left. Linkin Park being one of them. (Incubus was nominated too, and I voted for them, but they kinda didn't make it =/) It's a head to head competition. It's a versus kind of thing. Right now, it's Linkin Park VS Evanescence. In the past two rounds they went against Kelis and I forgot the other one...
It's tough competition, and both sides (of fans) want their band to win. So everybody's voting like crazy (I've only voted for them three times though). Obviously, it's a battle and they want to know who's got the better fans. In a way, that sounds kinda mean (and not to mention, a little scary), but that's how it is. Only one band makes it to the final round.
The LPU has over 60,000 members. I'm not gonna say anything, cuz I don't want to jinx it... but yea, I want them to win. I have nothing against Evanescence, but I'm on LP's side... duh!
You should see some of the messages posted about it on both band's message boards. The other wants very badly to kick the other's ass. I guess we'll have to wait and see. =)
Go here to vote... This round ends on August 16.
*That was the FANATIC coming out of me...
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Has anybody heard of Story Of The Year? They're my newest music fixation. The first time I heard "Anthem Of Our Dying Day", I was hooked. That song was stuck in my head for over 24 hours. And the thing was, I didn't really know the words to the song yet, so only that one part kept playing over and over in my head.
"From up here, the city lights burn, like a thousand miles of fire"
I know a lot more of the song now though. =) I wanna get their album. CDs are kinda expensive though, and unfortunately for me, my CD wants list is pretty long. =/
And you know what I realised a few days ago? I know how to sing our National Anthem, but I have absolutely no idea what it translates to. I tried, but it's just hopeless. If I had to translate that to save my life, I'd most definitely die. Isn't that just wrong?
Yea, I sorta didn't have a topic, but I thought I should write. Oh, here's a boring topic for you...
I like Formula One. I know that a lot of people (Thea) think that this is the most boring thing in the world, and would rather not read about it. You don't have to read it, but I want to write about it.
I will actually have to agree with my sister, that yes, it's boring. This season, at least. The same guy has won all the races except one since the season started. There's nothing exciting about that. It's SO boring. Last season was so much better, and I'm hoping that next season is better too.
Michael Schumacher. Five times World Champion, going for his sixth. I definitely respect the guy, but could he please stop winning some time soon?
I'm actually for his younger brother Ralf, but he crashed into a concrete wall at 190mph at the Indianapolis Grand Prix, which gave him a concussion (his second in the span of a year), so he's not allowed to drive for a few months, most probably for the rest of the season. What's worse, he practically demoted himself by moving to Toyota for next year.
So both my BMW drivers are switching teams, but two quite respectable ones are taking over. Nearly everybody's switching teams actually, so there's a huge driver shuffle. Hopefully it will result in a more exciting 2005 season.
Okay, I'm done. =)
"From up here, the city lights burn, like a thousand miles of fire"
I know a lot more of the song now though. =) I wanna get their album. CDs are kinda expensive though, and unfortunately for me, my CD wants list is pretty long. =/
And you know what I realised a few days ago? I know how to sing our National Anthem, but I have absolutely no idea what it translates to. I tried, but it's just hopeless. If I had to translate that to save my life, I'd most definitely die. Isn't that just wrong?
Yea, I sorta didn't have a topic, but I thought I should write. Oh, here's a boring topic for you...
I like Formula One. I know that a lot of people (Thea) think that this is the most boring thing in the world, and would rather not read about it. You don't have to read it, but I want to write about it.
I will actually have to agree with my sister, that yes, it's boring. This season, at least. The same guy has won all the races except one since the season started. There's nothing exciting about that. It's SO boring. Last season was so much better, and I'm hoping that next season is better too.
Michael Schumacher. Five times World Champion, going for his sixth. I definitely respect the guy, but could he please stop winning some time soon?
I'm actually for his younger brother Ralf, but he crashed into a concrete wall at 190mph at the Indianapolis Grand Prix, which gave him a concussion (his second in the span of a year), so he's not allowed to drive for a few months, most probably for the rest of the season. What's worse, he practically demoted himself by moving to Toyota for next year.
So both my BMW drivers are switching teams, but two quite respectable ones are taking over. Nearly everybody's switching teams actually, so there's a huge driver shuffle. Hopefully it will result in a more exciting 2005 season.
Okay, I'm done. =)
Monday, August 09, 2004
Senior Year
Summer break's over and the school year starts today. Senior year, the last leg of high school. Except... I'm not there. I'm supposed to be graduating in June, next year, but I haven't even started high school.
Three years of being out of school has taught me so much. It's involved a lot of mixed feelings. A lot of anger and denial, I admit, in the earlier years, but I'm okay now. It's definitely been disappointing, but I know now that it's all for the better.
If I hadn't had to stop school, sure, I'd be graduating next year, but as what? When I was in school, I hardly paid attention, rushed my homework, never went to tutorials, did everything wrong. I think I would've died, and the four years in high school would've been a huge waste. During all that time, I should've been doing the opposite. And again, I know that NOW.
Two years ago, I was really concerned about having to go back and be the oldest person in the grade. But now, I don't really care. I think I've grown so much, and learned so much, that my perspective on everything's just changed. And I'm really glad that it has.
Pay attention, do my homework... WELL, ask for help. It's easier said than done. In a way, I'm really scared to put that to the test. I think I've been out of school for so long, that I've forgotten what it's like. I know what I have to do, but the hard part is finding out whether I can do it or not.
Some people might look at my three year "break" as unfortunate. But really, I think that it might be one of the best things that's ever happened to me.
Three years of being out of school has taught me so much. It's involved a lot of mixed feelings. A lot of anger and denial, I admit, in the earlier years, but I'm okay now. It's definitely been disappointing, but I know now that it's all for the better.
If I hadn't had to stop school, sure, I'd be graduating next year, but as what? When I was in school, I hardly paid attention, rushed my homework, never went to tutorials, did everything wrong. I think I would've died, and the four years in high school would've been a huge waste. During all that time, I should've been doing the opposite. And again, I know that NOW.
Two years ago, I was really concerned about having to go back and be the oldest person in the grade. But now, I don't really care. I think I've grown so much, and learned so much, that my perspective on everything's just changed. And I'm really glad that it has.
Pay attention, do my homework... WELL, ask for help. It's easier said than done. In a way, I'm really scared to put that to the test. I think I've been out of school for so long, that I've forgotten what it's like. I know what I have to do, but the hard part is finding out whether I can do it or not.
Some people might look at my three year "break" as unfortunate. But really, I think that it might be one of the best things that's ever happened to me.
Saturday, August 07, 2004
Friends Forever
Is there even such a thing? I've been thinking about it, and it seems as if there really isn't. When you say that to someone (with all honesty), chances are, you're young (and most probably a girl). I guess, what it is, is just a hopeful wish. A wish that you will stay friends forever. But how often does that actually happen?
As a person who likes to believe in good things like happy endings, I'd also like to believe that you can count on "friends forever". But unfortunately, like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (you'd like to think it's there, but it's really not), it doesn't exist. It's possible, yea, but it would take a lot of hard work coming from both ends, and in this day and age, most people prefer things to be easy, and as simple as it can get. Which in my opinion, is a huge pity.
I've lost contact with so many people that I used to know, and I thought we'd know each other for the rest of our lives. But I was young, and I didn't realise how important keeping in touch was. And even if we did keep in touch, would we still be friends a couple of years down the line?
People grow up, and they change. If you were friends with someone when you were ten, even if you guys are together during the time in between, you might not be friends when you're twenty. Common interests will change, sometimes up to the point that you can't relate to each other anymore, and it breaks the friendship apart, because you yourselves have grown apart.
I'm not saying that all friendships are going to suffer that fate, I'm just saying that a lot of the time, that's how it is. Change is inevitable. Maintaining a friendship is a lot of hard work, and sadly, a lot of people aren't up to it.
It's not often that we find friends that we'd like to keep. You don't find real friends everyday either. That is a rarity and a privilege to have. So if you've got a friend or friends worth keeping, I suggest you work hard and do your part to keep the friendship going.
And keep in touch! It's the year 2004, with all the technology, there's really no excuse. A simple text message, a phone call, an e-mail. You don't need to be a genious to work any of them.
Most of the time, we take things for granted and think it's not important, but it is. Friends can define who you are or who you will be in the future. They can play a really huge role in your life. So I guess how long "friends forever" lasts, is really up to you.
As a person who likes to believe in good things like happy endings, I'd also like to believe that you can count on "friends forever". But unfortunately, like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (you'd like to think it's there, but it's really not), it doesn't exist. It's possible, yea, but it would take a lot of hard work coming from both ends, and in this day and age, most people prefer things to be easy, and as simple as it can get. Which in my opinion, is a huge pity.
I've lost contact with so many people that I used to know, and I thought we'd know each other for the rest of our lives. But I was young, and I didn't realise how important keeping in touch was. And even if we did keep in touch, would we still be friends a couple of years down the line?
People grow up, and they change. If you were friends with someone when you were ten, even if you guys are together during the time in between, you might not be friends when you're twenty. Common interests will change, sometimes up to the point that you can't relate to each other anymore, and it breaks the friendship apart, because you yourselves have grown apart.
I'm not saying that all friendships are going to suffer that fate, I'm just saying that a lot of the time, that's how it is. Change is inevitable. Maintaining a friendship is a lot of hard work, and sadly, a lot of people aren't up to it.
It's not often that we find friends that we'd like to keep. You don't find real friends everyday either. That is a rarity and a privilege to have. So if you've got a friend or friends worth keeping, I suggest you work hard and do your part to keep the friendship going.
And keep in touch! It's the year 2004, with all the technology, there's really no excuse. A simple text message, a phone call, an e-mail. You don't need to be a genious to work any of them.
Most of the time, we take things for granted and think it's not important, but it is. Friends can define who you are or who you will be in the future. They can play a really huge role in your life. So I guess how long "friends forever" lasts, is really up to you.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Behind The Music
A few nights ago, I saw Behind The Music on VH1, and it was on Britney Spears. And it was really interesting. I'm not a fan of her music, but I do think that she's an amazing dancer, and I definitely respect what she does. I think even more so, after seeing that show.
Ever since she came out, her name has been in the tabloids constantly. She has gotten so big, that everybody knows who she is. Whether you love or hate her, you know her name. I think that you'd be weird if you didn't know who Britney Spears was.
On the show, someone was saying (and I totally agree), that just because she's in the lime light all the time, people think that they deserve to be nosy, and that they deserve to know every single detail that's going on in her life. They feel that they need to comment and judge her on everything she does.
And why is that? Why is it that people care so much about who she's dating, or what she's wearing, or whether she's had surgery or not? Not just Britney even, pretty much all celebrities.
One of the biggest issues with her, was whether she'd had a boob job done or not. I don't think she did. She was 16? when she first started out, and she's 20 something now. Isn't it possible that she just "bloomed"? I mean, it happens. Just because her breasts got bigger, why do we have to automatically think that it was a boob job? Maybe she did, but why should we even care? It's HER boobs...
So many girls out there wish they could be her, because there are so many things about her that you'd want to be. The only aspect of her life that can't be envied, is her lack of privacy.
I think that there are things, certain information, that people and fans are privileged to know. Like tour dates, publicity appearances, when they start recording their albums, when it comes out, future projects. You know, things like that. Yea, it sounds boring, and the controversial topics are way more interesting, but really, it's none of our business.
I guess sometimes we forget that they're human too, just like us. They just have a better job. =) And it is a JOB. They work hard for what they do.
So there. I can't believe I have an entire entry about Britney Spears... I weird myself out.
Ever since she came out, her name has been in the tabloids constantly. She has gotten so big, that everybody knows who she is. Whether you love or hate her, you know her name. I think that you'd be weird if you didn't know who Britney Spears was.
On the show, someone was saying (and I totally agree), that just because she's in the lime light all the time, people think that they deserve to be nosy, and that they deserve to know every single detail that's going on in her life. They feel that they need to comment and judge her on everything she does.
And why is that? Why is it that people care so much about who she's dating, or what she's wearing, or whether she's had surgery or not? Not just Britney even, pretty much all celebrities.
One of the biggest issues with her, was whether she'd had a boob job done or not. I don't think she did. She was 16? when she first started out, and she's 20 something now. Isn't it possible that she just "bloomed"? I mean, it happens. Just because her breasts got bigger, why do we have to automatically think that it was a boob job? Maybe she did, but why should we even care? It's HER boobs...
So many girls out there wish they could be her, because there are so many things about her that you'd want to be. The only aspect of her life that can't be envied, is her lack of privacy.
I think that there are things, certain information, that people and fans are privileged to know. Like tour dates, publicity appearances, when they start recording their albums, when it comes out, future projects. You know, things like that. Yea, it sounds boring, and the controversial topics are way more interesting, but really, it's none of our business.
I guess sometimes we forget that they're human too, just like us. They just have a better job. =) And it is a JOB. They work hard for what they do.
So there. I can't believe I have an entire entry about Britney Spears... I weird myself out.
Saturday, July 31, 2004
The Hoobastank concert's in about two weeks. I really really want to go. It's so cool that all these international bands are coming over. I've already been to four concerts this year. Two of which were my two most ultimate favorite bands. =)
My plan for getting Hoobastank tickets, if I couldn't buy them, was to win them over the radio.But the chances of me winning are very small. I've actually never won anything, ever. But I don't have to do that anymore, because someone I know, let me have her other ticket, which I thought was super nice.
So now, I have a ticket, and I have someone to go to the concert with. I don't have to be a concert loner anymore! So thanks a lot to Sian for being more than cool. =)
The concert's on a Tuesday, so most of the people I know have school, so they can't make the show. Bummer...
Is it obvious that I have absolutely no idea what to write? In between trying to think of what to write, I'm browsing the LPU message boards. Someone started an age thread, basically asking how old people were. Or in this case, how young. They're young... 12-16. Either they're the only ones replying to the thread, or it's turning into a kiddie fan club. No offense.
So there. I guess that's my entry for the day. Oh, my nephew's getting baptised tomorrow. He's gonna have to wear a dress. Plus a hat bonnet thinggy that, according to his mother, makes him look like a milk maid. Fun... =)
My plan for getting Hoobastank tickets, if I couldn't buy them, was to win them over the radio.But the chances of me winning are very small. I've actually never won anything, ever. But I don't have to do that anymore, because someone I know, let me have her other ticket, which I thought was super nice.
So now, I have a ticket, and I have someone to go to the concert with. I don't have to be a concert loner anymore! So thanks a lot to Sian for being more than cool. =)
The concert's on a Tuesday, so most of the people I know have school, so they can't make the show. Bummer...
Is it obvious that I have absolutely no idea what to write? In between trying to think of what to write, I'm browsing the LPU message boards. Someone started an age thread, basically asking how old people were. Or in this case, how young. They're young... 12-16. Either they're the only ones replying to the thread, or it's turning into a kiddie fan club. No offense.
So there. I guess that's my entry for the day. Oh, my nephew's getting baptised tomorrow. He's gonna have to wear a dress. Plus a hat bonnet thinggy that, according to his mother, makes him look like a milk maid. Fun... =)
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
This is my favorite nephew, Dylan. Well, he's my only nephew. =) He's absolutely adorable. He's almost 3 months now, and getting really big.
Everything he does is just so cute. Even when he cries. No matter how much drool is coming out of his mouth, he still manages to look really cute. That's only acceptable with babies though (A grown man drooling is hardly cute).
There's so much to wonder about him. What kind of stuff he'll like, what sports he'll be into, what type of music he'll like, and so much more.
It's so easy to love him.

Everything he does is just so cute. Even when he cries. No matter how much drool is coming out of his mouth, he still manages to look really cute. That's only acceptable with babies though (A grown man drooling is hardly cute).
There's so much to wonder about him. What kind of stuff he'll like, what sports he'll be into, what type of music he'll like, and so much more.
It's so easy to love him.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
I'm bored...
But then again, when am I never bored? I told myself that I never wanted to be bored ever again, and I'm trying, but it doesn't seem to work...
Anyways, I'm visiting my relatives. My brother got me into this game called Restaurant Empire. Basically, I have to run this restaurant and meet my goals. It's really challenging, and at the same time, annoying, because it's kinda hard. But it keeps me busy. But I still love The Sims.
I have to go now... Oh hey, there's Formula One tonight...
Anyways, I'm visiting my relatives. My brother got me into this game called Restaurant Empire. Basically, I have to run this restaurant and meet my goals. It's really challenging, and at the same time, annoying, because it's kinda hard. But it keeps me busy. But I still love The Sims.
I have to go now... Oh hey, there's Formula One tonight...
Thursday, July 22, 2004
My titles are so dull... =)
Yesterday, my sister and I took the train to get to her dentist. It's really convenient and A LOT cheaper than taking a cab. During the afternoons though, they tend to get really crowded. It's like a mosh pit, minus the music. And since it's hot here, people sweat. I'm not even going to elaborate... Let's just say... When you're gonna get on a train, especially if it gets as packed as it does here, good personal hygiene is appreciated. By everyone.
People don't usually give this a second thought, but I'm semi OC, so it's a pretty big issue with me. When you get on public transportation, you might want to think twice about touching anything in it. Like, the railings, for example. Do you realise how many people touch that everyday? And a lot of people don't really wash their hands... So, they could've scratched their butts, or touched other things nasty before holding onto that railing... It's just gross...
My brother and I took a jeep earlier (For those of you who don't know, a jeep is public transportation here, and they're everywhere). And it was so ghetto. It was coming apart everywhere. I seriously wouldn't've been surprised if that thing just came apart and collapsed right in the middle of the street. And these jeepney drivers are maniacs too. They drive like they're immune or something. It was by far, the scariest ride I've ever been on.
Yesterday, my sister and I took the train to get to her dentist. It's really convenient and A LOT cheaper than taking a cab. During the afternoons though, they tend to get really crowded. It's like a mosh pit, minus the music. And since it's hot here, people sweat. I'm not even going to elaborate... Let's just say... When you're gonna get on a train, especially if it gets as packed as it does here, good personal hygiene is appreciated. By everyone.
People don't usually give this a second thought, but I'm semi OC, so it's a pretty big issue with me. When you get on public transportation, you might want to think twice about touching anything in it. Like, the railings, for example. Do you realise how many people touch that everyday? And a lot of people don't really wash their hands... So, they could've scratched their butts, or touched other things nasty before holding onto that railing... It's just gross...
My brother and I took a jeep earlier (For those of you who don't know, a jeep is public transportation here, and they're everywhere). And it was so ghetto. It was coming apart everywhere. I seriously wouldn't've been surprised if that thing just came apart and collapsed right in the middle of the street. And these jeepney drivers are maniacs too. They drive like they're immune or something. It was by far, the scariest ride I've ever been on.
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
I should introduce myself...
I'm from the Philippines, born and raised. I haven't been anywhere else, but I definitely have plans of travelling around the world, and seeing other places.
I mentioned that it took a while to come up with my blog name, and as you can see, I got one. It doesn't really mean anything... just that I'm very pensive, and I've been told that I have fanatic tendencies. Nothing crazy though, or at least, I don't think so. Oh, I tend to ramble, totally random things.
I love music (especially Linkin Park and Incubus). I think my taste in music is pretty diverse. I'm not exactly picky when it comes to the stuff I listen to. If I like it, I like it. I find genres to be really... stupid? I think that it's just the music industry's attempt to try and classify everything, but it's really not necessary. I think that it causes people to be really closed-minded about what they listen to. They'll stick to one genre and ignore everything else. In my opinion, talent is talent. Anyways, I could go on about this forever.
I love movies too. But they haven't really released anything good recently. Everything's so predictable, and if not, it's already been done. Nothing new.
I think that should do it for now. Happy Birthday Mom! =)
I mentioned that it took a while to come up with my blog name, and as you can see, I got one. It doesn't really mean anything... just that I'm very pensive, and I've been told that I have fanatic tendencies. Nothing crazy though, or at least, I don't think so. Oh, I tend to ramble, totally random things.
I love music (especially Linkin Park and Incubus). I think my taste in music is pretty diverse. I'm not exactly picky when it comes to the stuff I listen to. If I like it, I like it. I find genres to be really... stupid? I think that it's just the music industry's attempt to try and classify everything, but it's really not necessary. I think that it causes people to be really closed-minded about what they listen to. They'll stick to one genre and ignore everything else. In my opinion, talent is talent. Anyways, I could go on about this forever.
I love movies too. But they haven't really released anything good recently. Everything's so predictable, and if not, it's already been done. Nothing new.
I think that should do it for now. Happy Birthday Mom! =)
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Getting started
I finally got this thing going. After a lot of thought, mostly about the name (Now my sister's gotta think of hers). And after that sign up process, my brain is fried. Yes, it was only three steps, but my mind is not exactly up to speed this morning... afternoon.
I actually have no idea what to say right now. My mind is a complete blank.
I actually have no idea what to say right now. My mind is a complete blank.
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