Tuesday, March 29, 2005


My surprise birthday party - March 12 - Prince of Jaipur at The Fort

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Me blowing out all two candles off the two giant cakes

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Lucille, Monica, Me, Dani and Isa (Aiko and Vanessa, we missed you!)

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Part of the surprise posse

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Thea and Me - best sister in the world =)

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Me and the girls (Love you guys!)

My actual birthday - March 15 - Italiannis at Greenbelt

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Isa and Aiko

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Beautiful ladies

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Aiks and Aics =)

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Jae and Aimee

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All of us =)

More to come when I can. I just forgot the CD. This took long enough anyways, enjoy! ;)

Monday, March 28, 2005


First off, I should just mention that this entry is LONG overdue. I just haven't had the chance or the time to go online and write, until now, obviously. I was writing this other entry but I wasn't able to finish it due to lack of time, and now I'm not really in the mood to finish it, so I'll just tell it here, but I'll be scrapping the novel, and I'll just be giving you the essentials, so to speak.

I'm gonna need to take you back to a few weeks ago, to the twelfth of March. My sister Thea and I had that day planned out as Aica and Thea's day of fun, just the two of us, spending time together, shopping, talking, sisterly girly things. We actually got around to all over the city almost. Rockwell, Glorietta, Landmark, Greenbelt and the Fort.

We got our nails done at Greenbelt, manicure, pedicure, the works. I knew that I would be getting my nails done, and I was expecting it to turn out real pretty but I didn't imagine it to look anything like it did when it was done. This cool Chinese chick actually hand painted little white flowers on every single nail, it was truly a work of art. I did actually try taking pictures, but since it was so small, the camera couldn't capture it, so it's down to me to try and describe it as best as I can, which I don't think I'm doing very well, but just know that it was really amazing, and unlike any manicure or pedicure that I have ever gotten. It's so nice, that I can't even bring myself to remove it even though my nail's already grown a considerable amount, and so it just looks somewhat strange now, but still, I refuse to erase it.

So after that, we were gonna have dinner, and my sister suggested this Italian place at The Fort, called Pasto. And i thought it was a bit far and out of the way, but she wanted to take me, so I just went along. Mars came to pick us up and we went. Thea actually excused herself from dinner quite early to go and "do something", she said, and so she left me with Mars and went to go do whatever she had to do. My God, what was Mars and I supposed to talk about the whole time that she was gone?! But it wasn't so bad, we found a couple of things to chat about.

We went to Go Nuts to wait for Thea to come back from her meeting and it was taking a really long time, and as time passed by, our conversation topics grew less and less with every passing second. And then, I see someone, a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in over a year. We kinda lost touch, and it was so crazy to see him, so I went to talk to him for a little bit.

While we were talking (and we a bit to talk about), I see yet another friend of mine that I hadn't seen in a while. So then she comes up to me and says "hi!", she introduces me to her boyfriend (they're so cute), and by that time, I had already left Mars for a bit, and I didn't want to be rude, so I was gonna go back to him, and then Sherry asked me where I was gonna go to. I told her that I was just waiting for Thea and then we were gonna head over to Jaipur for a little bit because supposedly Norah Jones was gonna be there after her concert that night. And coincidentally, Sherry says that she and Totius (I know that I completely misspelled that!) were on their way there as well, so we'd just go together, and exactly at that moment, I get a text, and it's Thea telling Mars and I to just go and meet her there instead because her meeting was taking too long already.

I asked Mark if he wanted to come over with us to just hang out or whatever, and he said that he'd just stay behind. So I said bye to him, and we made our way to Jaipur. And I was actually really glad that Sherry was there because at least I'd have somebody to talk to as opposed to just being there with Thea's friends and just being quiet the entire time, you know? So we get there, and Thea comes down the stairs and says for us to just come on upstairs, so we go, and she takes us out to the balcony.

So I step out not expecting anything at all, but then all of a sudden, I see this giant group of people of familiar faces, and they all yell out "SURPRISE!!!", and I don't really have any words to describe it. I was just completely shocked, definitely surprised and apparently so overwhelmed and touched that I just started to cry. Thea hadn't been at a meeting that entire time, but was in fact setting up my surprise eighteenth birthday party instead. At the end of the night, I learned that she had actually been planning it since November last year, and she was busting her ass, stressing out just trying to make it as perfect as possible.

Everyone was there, people who I hadn't seen in so long, and didn't expect to see any time soon, just, everybody, it was crazy. And of course my best friends were there too, and I was just so completely taken by surprise (the whole point, I think..), and it was really nice. Oh, and wouldn't you know it, Mark knew all about it and showed up right after the surprise. I had never had a surprise party before, and so this was just really great.

Thea had actually tried to book my favorite local band, or to be more exact, the ONLY local band that I like, Bamboo. That would've made it even crazier than it already was, but the cheapest that she could get them for was eighty thousand pesos for seven songs, which is insane, but the fact that she tried really was enough for me. So it was all hip hop all night, but I was okay with that, because everything else made up for it. It was great. I took pictures, which I will try to post up as soon as I can.

I knew that Thea was up to something, being sneaky, always taking my phone, asking weird questions about my friends. I was a bit suspicious, but I didn't know when it would be, so it definitely was a surprise, a very good one at that. It was great.

I had two giant cakes from Monica's parents, and let me tell you, that after having all that, I don't really want to have any more cake... ever =) That was a LOT of cake, it was crazy, but it was damn good.

My actual birthday wasn't until the fifteenth, and on that night, I just went out with my girlfriends for dinner at this Italian restaurant called Italiannis in Makati. Being with the girls was really great, we had fun, but the service sucked so bad! It was horrible, I don't even want to recall it. I was actually going to watch a movie with Thea after, but it took the place so damn long to get our bill straight that we missed the screening, so I just ended up going home. Damn you Italiannis. Again, pictures to come.

So all in all, my eighteenth birthday was really good. It was unlike any birthday I've had before, so it kicked all my other birthday's asses pretty much, but I'm not looking to top it any time soon=). I'm now officially legal, woohoo!

The consequence of writing this weeks after it actually happened is that it's not exactly fresh in my mind anymore, and so I'm sure that I didn't get every single thing down, but I got it done, maybe not in the best way that it could've been done, but it's done, and from now on, I promise that I won't delay entries any longer and when I have something to write about, I'll get to it as quickly as I can. Expect another entry soon.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Title, anyone?

So I'm sitting in front of the computer, ready to write, but what about? It's just not one of those moments when I've got something in particular to say... so not cool. Well, for one thing, I'm really bored with my blog skin... This green is just boring for me, and I can't figure out what to do with it.

And that's about as far as I can go for now... How badly does that suck? Not to worry, I'll come back with something... more interesting, or whatever... blah...